Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Travel” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Planning a Trip

1. What is the next country you want to visit and why?
2. How do you decide where to go on vacation?
3. What is the best season to travel in your opinion?
4. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?
5. What are the most important things to pack for a trip?

II. Travel Experiences

6. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?
7. Have you ever had a bad travel experience?
8. What do you like to do when you visit a new place?
9. How do you learn about the culture of the places you visit?
10. What’s the longest trip you have ever been on?

III. Transportation

11. What is your favorite mode of transportation when traveling?
12. Do you prefer flying or taking the train?
13. How do you pass the time on long journeys?
14. Have you ever been on a road trip?
15. What are your tips for finding cheap flights?

IV. Food and Drink

16. What is the most interesting food you have tried while traveling?
17. Do you like to try local dishes when you visit a new place?
18. How do you find good places to eat when you are traveling?
19. Have you ever had food poisoning while traveling?
20. What is your favorite international cuisine?

V. Accommodation

21. Do you prefer to stay in hotels, hostels, or Airbnb?
22. What do you look for in a place to stay when you travel?
23. Have you ever had a bad hotel experience?
24. What was the best place you’ve ever stayed at during a trip?
25. How important is location when choosing your accommodation?

VI. Cultural Experiences

26. Have you ever attended a traditional festival while traveling?
27. What are some ways you can respect local customs and traditions?
28. Do you visit museums and historical sites when you travel?
29. How do you communicate if you don’t speak the local language?
30. Have you ever taken a cooking class or other cultural class while traveling?

VII. Adventure and Activities

31. What is the most adventurous thing you have done while traveling?
32. Do you prefer relaxing holidays or active ones?
33. Have you ever gone camping in another country?
34. What water activities do you enjoy during vacations?
35. Have you ever been skiing or snowboarding on vacation?

VIII. Travel Problems

36. Have you ever lost your luggage while traveling?
37. What do you do if you get lost in a foreign country?
38. How do you stay safe when traveling?
39. Have you ever missed a flight or train?
40. What are some common travel scams to be aware of?

IX. Budgeting for Travel

41. How do you save money for vacations?
42. Do you have any tips for traveling on a budget?
43. How much do you usually spend on a vacation?
44. What are some unnecessary travel expenses?
45. How do you manage your money while traveling?

X. Learning from Travel

46. What is the most important lesson you have learned from traveling?
47. How has traveling changed your perspective on the world?
48. What do you appreciate more after coming back from a trip?
49. Have your travel experiences influenced your lifestyle or beliefs?
50. What is the best travel advice you have ever received?

XI. Future of Travel

51. How do you think travel will change in the next 10 years?
52. Would you like to travel to space if it becomes affordable?
53. What are some destinations you think will become popular in the future?
54. How important is sustainable travel to you?
55. What new technologies do you think will improve travel?

XII. Personal Travel Goals

56. What is on your travel bucket list?
57. How do you plan to achieve your travel goals?
58. Do you have a dream destination? Why is it your dream destination?
59. How do you document your travels?
60. What do you hope to gain from your future travels?
