Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“UFOs” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Understanding UFOs

1. What does UFO stand for?
2. Do you believe UFOs exist?
3. Have you ever seen a UFO? Describe what you saw.
4. Why do you think people are interested in UFOs?
5. Can UFOs be anything other than alien spacecraft?

II. Famous UFO Sightings

6. Have you heard of the Roswell incident? What do you know about it?
7. What is Area 51, and why is it associated with UFOs?
8. Can you name any famous UFO sightings in your country?
9. Why do you think some UFO sightings become very famous?
10. How do governments typically respond to UFO sightings?

III. Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life

11. Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not?
12. If aliens exist, what do you think they look like?
13. How would you react if you met an alien?
14. Do you think aliens have visited Earth?
15. Why do you think aliens would visit Earth?

IV. UFOs in Media and Culture

16. Can you name any movies or TV shows about UFOs?
17. How do movies and TV shows influence people’s beliefs about UFOs?
18. Do you think UFO stories are more science or fiction?
19. Have you ever read a book about UFOs or aliens? What was it?
20. Why do you think people enjoy stories about UFOs and aliens?

V. Government and Military Involvement

21. Should governments disclose all their information about UFOs?
22. Do you think the military has captured UFOs or aliens?
23. How do you feel about government secrecy regarding UFOs?
24. Why might governments want to hide information about UFOs?
25. What could be the risks of disclosing UFO information to the public?

VI. The Science of UFOs

26. How do scientists explain UFO sightings?
27. Are there scientific projects dedicated to finding extraterrestrial life?
28. What technology is used to search for UFOs?
29. How could studying UFOs benefit science or humanity?
30. Do you think it’s important to invest in research on UFOs?

VII. Skepticism and Belief

31. Why are some people skeptical about UFOs?
32. What evidence would convince you that UFOs are real?
33. How do you differentiate between credible and non-credible UFO reports?
34. Do you think there’s a stigma around believing in UFOs?
35. How can people critically evaluate UFO sightings?

VIII. UFO Encounters and Abductions

36. Have you heard of any stories about UFO abductions?
37. Do you believe people have been abducted by aliens? Why or why not?
38. How do abductees describe their experiences?
39. What do you think about the credibility of abduction stories?
40. How would you react if someone you knew claimed to be abducted by aliens?

IX. The Future of UFO Research

41. What advancements do you hope to see in UFO research?
42. How do you think public perception of UFOs will change in the future?
43. Do you think we will ever have definitive proof of UFOs?
44. How might contact with extraterrestrial life change our world?
45. What role do you think private companies will play in UFO research?

X. Personal Beliefs and Experiences

46. Has your opinion on UFOs changed over time? How?
47. Would you like to have a UFO sighting experience? Why or why not?
48. How do your friends and family feel about UFOs?
49. What is the most convincing UFO story you have ever heard?
50. How would you feel if UFOs were proven to be real?

XI. International Perspectives on UFOs

51. How are UFOs viewed in different cultures around the world?
52. Are there any international efforts to study UFOs?
53. Do you think the study of UFOs can bring countries together?
54. How do UFO sightings differ around the world?
55. Why is it important to consider international perspectives on UFOs?

XII. Ethical Considerations

56. What ethical issues arise in the study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life?
57. Should we try to communicate with extraterrestrial beings? Why or why not?
58. What precautions should be taken if we discover extraterrestrial life?
59. How should information about UFOs and aliens be shared with the public?
60. What responsibilities do scientists have when researching UFOs?
