Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Universities” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Importance of Universities

1. Why are universities important?
2. Where do you want to study?
3. Do you think you need to have good grades to get into a good university in your country? If yes, what kind of grades do they require? If no, why not?
4. Have you ever considered going to university abroad?
5. Do you know anyone who has graduated from university?

II. University Life

6. Do you want to go to university?
7. What made you choose your major/field of study?
8. How can students choose the best university for themselves?
9. What do you want to do after university?
10. How much does it cost to go to university?

III. Studying at University

11. Do you like to study at university?
12. At your university, are students allowed to use cell phones in class or during exams?
13. What was your dream job when you were a child?
14. Why did you choose your university?
15. Are there many people who live near where you live and go to the same university as you?

IV. Preparing for University

16. What’s the most important thing someone should do when they want to go to university?
17. What is the purpose of a university?
18. Does your school have a library where students can study and borrow books for free, or do you have to pay for all the books that you need for classes?
19. What’s your favorite part about going to university?
20. Do you have any siblings who have already graduated from university?

V. University and Employment

21. Do you think that attending a university is important for getting a good job?
22. Are you a student at a university in your country? If yes, what are you studying?
23. What kind of career opportunities will someone with a degree in your field have after graduating from university?
24. What kinds of subjects do you learn in your university?
25. What is a university?

VI. Access and Opportunities

26. Do you think it’s easier to get into a good college if you go to a private school?
27. What kind of courses are offered at the universities in your country?
28. Is it possible to study at home or do you have to go to a university to study?
29. Do you like studying with friends or alone?
30. When did you start studying at university?

VII. Admission and Preparation

31. Do you think it is easy to get into a university in your country? Why?
32. What are the best ways to prepare yourself for university life once you’ve decided on what you want to study?
33. Do you have any plans to attend any universities in the future?
34. Where are the best universities in the world?
35. Do most students at universities live on campus or off campus when they attend their classes?

VIII. Online vs Offline Education

36. Is there any difference between online and offline colleges or universities?
37. What is the difference between public and private universities?
38. Are you studying at university?
39. What are you studying?
40. Do you live on campus?

IX. University vs College

41. What are the differences between a university and a college?
42. Are you planning to go to university?
43. What are some good ways for students to research universities?
44. How will your degree help you achieve your dreams?
45. What are the different types of universities?

X. Challenges in Education

46. Is there anything that makes it hard to get good grades at school or university?
47. How long have you been studying at university?
48. What is your favorite course at university?
49. Why do you want to study at university?
50. What are some of the best universities in the United States?

XI. Future of Education

51. How do you think universities will change in the future?
52. What skills do you think are important for future jobs?
53. How can universities help students prepare for the job market?
54. What do you think about online learning?
55. Should universities focus more on practical skills or theoretical knowledge?

XII. Personal Experiences

56. What has been your best experience at university so far?
57. Have you made any close friends at university?
58. What challenges have you faced as a university student?
59. How do you balance studying and social life at university?
60. What advice would you give to new university students?
