I. American History
1. Who was Martin Luther King Jr., and what did he do for Americans?
2. Who was George Washington, and what did he do for Americans?
3. Who was Abraham Lincoln, and what did he do for Americans?
4. Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
5. Why do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
II. Geography
6. How big is the USA? Does it have a border with another country?
7. What is the capital city of California?
8. What is the capital city of the USA?
9. What are the biggest cities in the USA?
10. What are the other big cities in the USA besides New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago?
III. Culture
11. What is your favorite food from America?
12. Do you like sports in the USA? What kind of sports do you like most and why?
13. What is the national anthem of the USA?
14. Do you know any famous places in the USA?
15. What is the national flag of the USA like?
IV. Current Events
16. Do you think that the government of USA is fair to people? Why/Why not?
17. What is your opinion on the current President of the USA?
18. How did you find out about the United States?
19. What do you think about the news in the USA?
20. What issues do you think are important in the USA today?
V. Society
21. Is it safe to travel alone in the USA? Why/Why not?
22. Do you think that there are more jobs in a big city than in a small town? Why/Why not?
23. What is the population of the USA?
24. Do you know why people immigrate to the USA from other countries?
25. Can you name all 50 US states?
VI. Fun Facts
26. What is the largest city in the United States?
27. What is the flag of the USA?
28. Do you know any other countries whose names end with “A”? (Ex: Argentina, Australia, etc)
29. What is your favorite city in the USA?
30. How many states are there in the USA?
VII. American Traditions
31. What is your favorite American holiday?
32. How do people celebrate New Year’s Eve in the USA?
33. What is a popular American dessert?
34. Do you know any traditional American songs?
35. What is a common American greeting?
VIII. Education
36. What is the school system like in the USA?
37. Do you think education is important? Why/Why not?
38. What subjects do you like the most in school?
39. How do students in the USA spend their free time?
40. What is the importance of learning English in the USA?
IX. Travel
41. What places would you like to visit in the USA?
42. Have you ever traveled to the USA? If yes, where did you go?
43. What is the best way to travel around the USA?
44. What are some famous national parks in the USA?
45. What do you think is the most beautiful place in the USA?
X. Technology
46. How has technology changed life in the USA?
47. What are some popular social media platforms in the USA?
48. Do you think technology is good for society? Why/Why not?
49. How do people in the USA use technology in their daily lives?
50. What is your opinion on online learning in the USA?
XI. Environment
51. What are some environmental issues in the USA?
52. How do people in the USA help the environment?
53. What is recycling, and why is it important?
54. Do you think climate change is a problem in the USA? Why/Why not?
55. What can individuals do to protect the environment?
XII. Future
56. What do you think the future of the USA will be like?
57. How do you think technology will change in the future?
58. What job do you think will be popular in the future?
59. How can we make the USA a better place in the future?
60. What do you hope to achieve in the future?