Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Zoos” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Zoo Purpose and History

1. Why do we have zoos?
2. How did zoos start?
3. What do you think the purpose of zoos is?
4. Can you name some of the oldest zoos in the world?

II. Zoo Experiences and Preferences

5. How often do you visit a zoo?
6. Do you like to visit zoos?
7. What is your favorite zoo?
8. What is a typical day at the zoo like?
9. What was your favorite animal or exhibit at the zoo when you were a child?
10. Have you ever visited a zoo?
11. What factors do you consider when choosing a zoo to visit?

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of Zoos

12. Are there any animal rights issues with zoos that we should consider when visiting them?
13. Are there any negatives to having zoos?
14. What are the disadvantages of having animals in a zoo?
15. What are some negative aspects of zoos?
16. What are the advantages of having animals in a zoo?
17. What are some positive aspects of zoos?
18. What are some benefits to having zoos?
19. How do zoos contribute to conservation and education?

IV. Animal Welfare and Ethical Considerations

20. How can we keep animals in the zoo healthy?
21. Are zoos good for animals?
22. Do you think it’s OK to keep animals in captivity for their whole lives?
23. How do you feel about the fact that some animals have lived their entire lives in captivity?
24. Do you think zoos are harmful to animals and humans? Why or why not?
25. Do you believe animals should be kept in captivity? Why or why not?
26. What would happen if all the animals were released from their cages?
27. Do you think zoos should be banned? Why or why not?
28. Should zoos be allowed to breed animals in captivity?
29. How do zoos ensure the mental well-being of animals in captivity?

V. Zoo Animals and Exhibits

30. What is the difference between a wild animal and a domesticated animal?
31. What animals are kept in zoos?
32. What animals do you like to see in zoos?
33. Do you prefer seeing wild animals or domesticated animals in a zoo? Why?
34. What animals would you never want to see in a zoo?
35. What are some different kinds of animals that are found in zoos?
36. Do you like elephants? Do you think it is a good idea for them to be kept in zoos?
37. How do zoos design exhibits to replicate natural habitats for animals?

VI. Endangered Species and Conservation

38. What is a better way to save endangered species than keeping them in captivity?
39. Have you ever seen an endangered species in a zoo? What did they look like?
40. How do zoos participate in conservation efforts for endangered species?
41. How do zoos collaborate with other organizations for conservation initiatives?

VII. Visiting Zoos and Visitor Rights

42. Where are you most likely to go to see animals?
43. What do you like about zoos?
44. Do you think it’s important for humans to see wild animals in person?
45. How do you feel about zoos?
46. Why do people visit zoos?
47. Why do you think zoos are important?
48. Would you go to a zoo if it was in your town?
49. Do you think that people should have the right to visit zoos as long as they do not hurt any animals or disturb them?
50. What role do zoo volunteers play in ensuring a positive visitor experience?

VIII. Personal Favorites and Opinions

51. Do you think that zoos are good or bad?
52. What do you dislike about zoos?
53. What is your favorite animal in a zoo?
54. What are your thoughts on animal shows and performances at zoos?
55. Do you prefer large zoos or small zoos, and why?

IX. Zoo Management and Practices

56. How do zoos decide which animals to include in their exhibits?
57. What measures do zoos take to prevent the spread of diseases among animals?
58. How do zoos handle emergency situations, such as natural disasters or power outages?
59. What are the main sources of funding for zoos?
60. How do zoos ensure the safety of both animals and visitors?
