Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Llama Farmer

A llama farmer builds an obstacle course to keep his mischievous llamas entertained and happy.

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Once upon a time, in a little village nestled between lush green hills, there lived a kind-hearted farmer named Mr. Thompson. He was not like any ordinary farmer; he was a llama farmer. His farm was filled with llamas of all shapes and sizes, and everyone in the village always marveled at his magnificent llamas. Each morning, Mr. Thompson would wake up early and tend to his llamas with great care, feeding them fresh vegetables and grooming their fluffy coats.

However, one sunny morning, as Mr. Thompson was preparing breakfast for his llamas, he noticed something peculiar. His prized llama, Milo, was missing from the herd! Panicking, he searched high and low, calling out Milo’s name. After some time, he found Milo tangled up in a bush, munching on apples that had fallen from a nearby tree. Mr. Thompson was relieved, but he knew he had to find a solution to keep his adventurous llamas from wandering off.

Inspired by an idea he had one night while counting stars, Mr. Thompson set to work on building a giant llama obstacle course. It was complete with hurdles, tunnels, and even a llama-sized maze. As soon as the course was ready, Mr. Thompson invited the whole village to witness the grand event. Everyone gathered around, curious to see what the llama farmer had in store.

As the first llama, Daisy, entered the obstacle course, she gracefully hopped over the hurdles and skipped through the tunnels. The crowd cheered with excitement. However, when it was Milo’s turn, he proved to be quite the troublemaker. Instead of following the planned route, he leaped over the hurdles and raced through the maze backward, sending everyone into fits of laughter. Milo’s mischievous antics soon became the highlight of the event.

After the obstacle course, Mr. Thompson noticed something incredible – not a single llama strayed away! The obstacle course had captured their attention and natural curiosity, keeping them entertained and engaged. From that day on, Mr. Thompson held regular llama obstacle courses to keep his llamas happy and content. He became known as the “Llama Farmer Extraordinaire” in the village, with visitors coming from far and wide to witness the hilarious spectacle.

The positive lesson from Mr. Thompson’s story is that even in the face of challenges, unexpected twists can bring joy and laughter into our lives. It teaches us to embrace our differences and find creative solutions to problems. The village learned that adventure and mishaps are an integral part of life, and that it’s okay to laugh and enjoy the unexpected moments. And so, the llama farmer and his happy herd lived a life full of laughter, while inspiring others to find joy in their own quirky ways.

🎧 Listen:

📖 Vocabulary:

1nestledSituated comfortably within a surrounding area or environment
2peculiarStrange or unusual in a way that sparks curiosity
3panickingReacting with sudden, intense fear or anxiety
4tangledCaught or twisted together in a complex way
5adventurousWilling to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
6hurdlesObstacles or barriers to be overcome, especially in a race or competition
7tunnelsUnderground or enclosed passageways that are often part of a system
8mazeA complex network of paths or passages that is difficult to navigate
9mischievousPlayfully causing minor trouble or disorder
10anticsPlayful or amusing behaviors or actions
11strayedMoved away from a path, direction, or focus
12entertainedProvided with amusement or enjoyment
13engagedActively involved or participating in something
14extraordinaryBeyond what is usual, ordinary, or regular
15spectacleAn event or scene regarded as impressive or remarkable

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Mr. Thompson notice one sunny morning while preparing breakfast for his llamas?
2. How did Mr. Thompson find Milo after he went missing from the herd?
3. What inspired Mr. Thompson to build a giant llama obstacle course?
4. What did the obstacle course include?
5. How did Daisy perform in the obstacle course?
6. What did Milo do during his turn in the obstacle course that made everyone laugh?
7. What did Mr. Thompson notice after the obstacle course?
8. What positive lesson can be learned from Mr. Thompson’s story?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, in a little (1)______ nestled between lush (2)______ hills, there lived a kind-hearted farmer named Mr. Thompson. He was not like any ordinary farmer; he was a llama farmer. His farm was filled with llamas of all shapes and sizes, and everyone in the village always marveled at his magnificent llamas. Each morning, Mr. Thompson would wake up early and tend to his llamas with great care, feeding them fresh vegetables and grooming their fluffy coats.

However, one (3)______ morning, as Mr. Thompson was preparing breakfast for his llamas, he (4)______ something peculiar. His prized llama, Milo, was missing from the herd! Panicking, he searched high and low, calling out Milo’s name. After some time, he found Milo tangled up in a bush, munching on apples that had fallen from a nearby tree. Mr. Thompson was relieved, but he knew he had to find a solution to keep his adventurous (5)______s from wandering off.

Inspired by an idea he had one night while counting stars, Mr. Thompson set to work on building a giant llama obstacle course. It was complete with (6)______, (7)______, and even a llama-sized maze. As soon as the course was ready, Mr. Thompson (8)______ the whole village to witness the grand event. Everyone gathered around, curious to see what the llama farmer had in store.

As the first llama, Daisy, entered the obstacle course, she gracefully hopped over the hurdles and skipped through the tunnels. The crowd cheered with excitement. However, when it was Milo’s turn, he proved to be quite the troublemaker. Instead of following the planned route, he leaped over the hurdles and raced through the maze backward, sending everyone into fits of (9)______. Milo’s mischievous antics soon became the highlight of the event.

After the obstacle course, Mr. (10)______ noticed something (11)______ – not a single llama (12)______ away! The obstacle course had captured their attention and natural curiosity, keeping them entertained and engaged. From that day on, Mr. Thompson held regular llama obstacle courses to keep his llamas happy and (13)______. He became known as the “Llama Farmer Extraordinaire” in the village, with visitors (14)______ from far and wide to witness the hilarious spectacle.

The positive lesson from Mr. Thompson’s story is that even in the face of challenges, unexpected twists can bring joy and laughter into our lives. It teaches us to embrace our (15)______ and find creative solutions to problems. The village (16)______ that adventure and mishaps are an integral part of life, and that it’s okay to laugh and enjoy the unexpected moments. And so, the llama farmer and his happy herd lived a life full of laughter, while inspiring others to find joy in their own quirky ways.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a llama farmer? Why do you think Mr. Thompson chose to be a llama farmer instead of a regular farmer?
2. How would you feel if you woke up one morning and your favorite pet was missing? What would you do to find them?
3. Do you like animals? Why or why not? What is your favorite animal and why?
4. Do you think it’s important to have a hobby or passion in life? Why or why not?
5. How do you think Mr. Thompson felt when he found Milo tangled up in the bush? Have you ever felt a similar sense of relief?
6. What is an obstacle course? Have you ever participated in one? How did it make you feel?
7. How do you think the villagers felt when they saw Milo’s mischievous antics during the obstacle course? Have you ever witnessed something unexpected that made you laugh?
8. Do you think it’s important to find joy and laughter in unexpected moments? Why or why not? Can you think of a time when you found joy in an unexpected situation?
9. Have you ever faced a challenge or problem that required a creative solution? How did you handle it?
10. What do you think the villagers learned from Mr. Thompson’s story? How can we apply those lessons in our own lives?
11. Why do you think Mr. Thompson’s llama obstacle courses became so popular? What do you think people enjoyed about them?
12. Can you think of any other ways Mr. Thompson could have kept his llamas from wandering off? Why or why not?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. nestled
2. peculiar
3. panicking
4. tangled
5. adventurous
6. hurdles
7. tunnels
8. maze
9. mischievous
10. antics
11. strayed
12. entertained
13. engaged
14. extraordinary
15. spectacle

(A) Actively involved or participating in something
(B) Underground or enclosed passageways that are often part of a system
(C) Strange or unusual in a way that sparks curiosity
(D) Beyond what is usual, ordinary, or regular
(E) An event or scene regarded as impressive or remarkable
(F) Caught or twisted together in a complex way
(G) Situated comfortably within a surrounding area or environment
(H) A complex network of paths or passages that is difficult to navigate
(I) Obstacles or barriers to be overcome, especially in a race or competition
(J) Reacting with sudden, intense fear or anxiety
(K) Playful or amusing behaviors or actions
(L) Playfully causing minor trouble or disorder
(M) Provided with amusement or enjoyment
(N) Moved away from a path, direction, or focus
(O) Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is Mr. Thompson’s occupation?
(a) Baker
(b) Teacher
(c) Doctor
(d) Farmer

2. What kind of animals does Mr. Thompson farm?
(a) Cows
(b) Llamas
(c) Chickens
(d) Pigs

3. What did Mr. Thompson notice one sunny morning?
(a) His llamas were eating too much
(b) His llamas were sick
(c) His prized llama, Milo, was missing
(d) His llamas were fighting

4. What did Mr. Thompson build to keep his llamas from wandering off?
(a) A fence around the farm
(b) A giant llama obstacle course
(c) A new barn for the llamas
(d) A swimming pool for the llamas

5. What did Mr. Thompson invite the whole village to witness?
(a) The grand event of the llama obstacle course
(b) A llama grooming competition
(c) A llama race
(d) A llama fashion show

6. What did Daisy, the first llama, do in the obstacle course?
(a) Got stuck in the maze
(b) Refused to participate
(c) Ran away from the obstacle course
(d) Hopped over hurdles and skipped through tunnels

7. What did Milo, the mischievous llama, do in the obstacle course?
(a) Followed the planned route perfectly
(b) Got scared and refused to move
(c) Leaped over hurdles and raced through the maze backward
(d) Fell asleep in the middle of the course

8. What did Mr. Thompson notice after the obstacle course?
(a) Not a single llama strayed away
(b) All the llamas escaped from the farm
(c) The llamas were unhappy and bored
(d) The llamas were too tired to move

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Mr. Thompson built a giant llama obstacle course to prevent his llamas from wandering off.
2. Milo, the obedient llama, became the spectator of the obstacle course event by staying still and watching from the sidelines.
3. Mr. Thompson’s llamas are admired by everyone in the village for their magnificence.
4. Mrs. Thompson’s story teaches the negative lesson of rejecting differences, sticking to conventional solutions, and missing out on unexpected moments in life.
5. Mr. Thompson discovered his prized llama, Milo, missing one sunny morning.
6. Mrs. Thompson is a llama farmer who lives in a large city surrounded by barren hills.
7. The obstacle course successfully kept all the llamas entertained and engaged, preventing them from straying away.
8. The obstacle course included hurdles, caves, and a giant maze.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?
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🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What did Mr. Thompson notice one sunny morning while preparing breakfast for his llamas?
Mr. Thompson noticed that his prized llama, Milo, was missing from the herd.

2. How did Mr. Thompson find Milo after he went missing from the herd?
Mr. Thompson found Milo tangled up in a bush, munching on fallen apples.

3. What inspired Mr. Thompson to build a giant llama obstacle course?
Mr. Thompson was inspired by an idea he had one night while counting stars.

4. What did the obstacle course include?
The obstacle course included hurdles, tunnels, and a llama-sized maze.

5. How did Daisy perform in the obstacle course?
Daisy performed gracefully, hopping over hurdles and skipping through tunnels.

6. What did Milo do during his turn in the obstacle course that made everyone laugh?
Milo leaped over the hurdles and raced through the maze backward, causing laughter.

7. What did Mr. Thompson notice after the obstacle course?
Mr. Thompson noticed that not a single llama strayed away from the herd.

8. What positive lesson can be learned from Mr. Thompson’s story?
The positive lesson is that unexpected twists can bring joy and laughter into our lives, and it’s okay to embrace our differences and find creative solutions to problems.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) village
(2) green
(3) sunny
(4) noticed
(5) llama
(6) hurdles
(7) tunnels
(8) invited
(9) laughter
(10) Thompson
(11) incredible
(12) strayed
(13) content
(14) coming
(15) differences
(16) learned
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. nestled
Answer: (G) Situated comfortably within a surrounding area or environment

2. peculiar
Answer: (C) Strange or unusual in a way that sparks curiosity

3. panicking
Answer: (J) Reacting with sudden, intense fear or anxiety

4. tangled
Answer: (F) Caught or twisted together in a complex way

5. adventurous
Answer: (O) Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences

6. hurdles
Answer: (I) Obstacles or barriers to be overcome, especially in a race or competition

7. tunnels
Answer: (B) Underground or enclosed passageways that are often part of a system

8. maze
Answer: (H) A complex network of paths or passages that is difficult to navigate

9. mischievous
Answer: (L) Playfully causing minor trouble or disorder

10. antics
Answer: (K) Playful or amusing behaviors or actions

11. strayed
Answer: (N) Moved away from a path, direction, or focus

12. entertained
Answer: (M) Provided with amusement or enjoyment

13. engaged
Answer: (A) Actively involved or participating in something

14. extraordinary
Answer: (D) Beyond what is usual, ordinary, or regular

15. spectacle
Answer: (E) An event or scene regarded as impressive or remarkable
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is Mr. Thompson’s occupation?
Answer: (d) Farmer

2. What kind of animals does Mr. Thompson farm?
Answer: (b) Llamas

3. What did Mr. Thompson notice one sunny morning?
Answer: (c) His prized llama, Milo, was missing

4. What did Mr. Thompson build to keep his llamas from wandering off?
Answer: (b) A giant llama obstacle course

5. What did Mr. Thompson invite the whole village to witness?
Answer: (a) The grand event of the llama obstacle course

6. What did Daisy, the first llama, do in the obstacle course?
Answer: (d) Hopped over hurdles and skipped through tunnels

7. What did Milo, the mischievous llama, do in the obstacle course?
Answer: (c) Leaped over hurdles and raced through the maze backward

8. What did Mr. Thompson notice after the obstacle course?
Answer: (a) Not a single llama strayed away
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Mr. Thompson built a giant llama obstacle course to prevent his llamas from wandering off. (Answer: True)
2. Milo, the obedient llama, became the spectator of the obstacle course event by staying still and watching from the sidelines. (Answer: False)
3. Mr. Thompson’s llamas are admired by everyone in the village for their magnificence. (Answer: True)
4. Mrs. Thompson’s story teaches the negative lesson of rejecting differences, sticking to conventional solutions, and missing out on unexpected moments in life. (Answer: False)
5. Mr. Thompson discovered his prized llama, Milo, missing one sunny morning. (Answer: True)
6. Mrs. Thompson is a llama farmer who lives in a large city surrounded by barren hills. (Answer: False)
7. The obstacle course successfully kept all the llamas entertained and engaged, preventing them from straying away. (Answer: True)
8. The obstacle course included hurdles, caves, and a giant maze. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 4 stories?

Amy and the Magic Book

Amy discovers a magical book that brings her creations to life, but learns the importance of appreciating the ordinary wonders of the world.

Lily conquers the Marshmallow Mountains, learns the secret recipe, and shares everlasting marshmallows with the world.

The Marshmallow Mountains

Lily conquers the Marshmallow Mountains, learns the secret recipe, and shares everlasting marshmallows with the world.

A unique tiger with tangerine stripes leads his animal friends on a quest for a magical fruit, only to discover that true magic lies in friendship and laughter.

The Tale of the Tangerine Tiger

A unique tiger with tangerine stripes leads his animal friends on a quest for a magical fruit, only to discover that true magic lies in friendship and laughter.

A young girl named Lily embarks on a daring adventure to find a hidden harbor and discovers that true treasure lies in the simple pleasures of life.

The Hidden Harbor

A young girl named Lily embarks on a daring adventure to find a hidden harbor and discovers that true treasure lies in the simple pleasures of life.

A lonely turtle named Timothy embarks on an adventure to find friends and discovers a hidden cove.

The Lonely Turtle

A lonely turtle named Timothy embarks on an adventure to find friends and discovers a hidden cove.

Penelope, the brave pirate princess, embarks on daring adventures, outsmarting sea monsters, cunning pirates, and even making a wish with a magical Golden Mermaid.

The Pirate Princess

Penelope, the brave pirate princess, embarks on daring adventures, outsmarting sea monsters, cunning pirates, and even making a wish with a magical Golden Mermaid.

