Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

The Dragon’s Dream

A dragon and a squirrel team up to find an enchanted treasure, but the squirrel has a secret plan.

Try this story at a different level?


Once upon a time, a dragon named Dillon lived very far away. He was different because he couldn’t breathe fire, but he could see the future in his dreams. Every night, he dreamed of adventures that were waiting for him.

One night, he dreamed about a special treasure in a secret cave that could make their land peaceful. Dillon woke up and wanted to find the treasure to become a true hero.

During his search, Dillon got lost in a thick forest and met a tricky squirrel named Sam, who said he’d help. But Sam just made Dillon more lost by going around in circles.

Dillon sat down and had another dream. The dream showed him the cave was really close. He followed the dream and found the cave right behind him!

Inside the cave, Dillon met another dragon, Daisy, who also had dreams about the treasure. Together, they used their dreams to unlock the treasure, making their land happy and peaceful. Dillon learned that friends can do great things when they share their dreams. After that, Dillon and Daisy had many fun adventures and kept their land safe. This story of friendship and dreaming big was known all over the kingdom.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1dragonA big, magical creature that looks like a lizard with wings
2breatheTo take air into and out of your lungs
3futureTime that is yet to come
4adventuresExciting experiences or journeys
5treasureSomething valuable and often hidden
6heroA person who is admired for doing something very brave or great
7searchTo try to find something
8trickySomeone who is clever and might deceive you
9circlesRound shapes that go around and around
10unlockTo open something that was closed or locked
11peacefulQuiet, calm, and without fighting
12kingdomA place ruled by a king or queen

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What was different about Dillon the dragon?
2. What did Dillon dream about every night?
3. Who did Dillon meet in the forest?
4. Did Sam really help Dillon or make him more lost?
5. How did Dillon find the secret cave?
6. What did Dillon and Daisy do with the treasure?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, a (1)______ named Dillon lived very far away. He was (2)______ because he couldn’t breathe (3)______, but he could see the future in his dreams. Every night, he dreamed of adventures that were waiting for him.

One night, he dreamed about a special treasure in a secret cave that could make their land peaceful. (4)______ woke up and wanted to find the treasure to become a true hero.

During his search, Dillon got lost in a thick forest and met a (5)______ squirrel (6)______ Sam, who said he’d help. But Sam just made Dillon more lost by going around in circles.

Dillon sat down and had another (7)______. The dream (8)______ him the cave was really close. He followed the dream and found the cave right behind him!

Inside the cave, Dillon met another dragon, Daisy, who also had dreams about the (9)______. Together, they used their dreams to unlock the treasure, (10)______ their (11)______ happy and peaceful. Dillon learned that friends can do great things when they share their dreams. After that, Dillon and Daisy had many fun adventures and kept their land safe. This story of (12)______ and dreaming big was known all over the kingdom.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a dream? Why do people have dreams?
2. How would you feel if you couldn’t do something that everyone else could do, like breathing fire?
3. Do you like going on adventures? Why or why not?
4. What do you think makes a true hero? Why?
5. Have you ever been lost? How did you feel? What did you do?
6. Do you have any special talents or abilities? What are they?
7. Why do you think it’s important to have friends? How can friends help us?
8. Do you think dreams can come true? Why or why not?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. dragon
2. breathe
3. future
4. adventures
5. treasure
6. hero
7. search
8. tricky
9. circles
10. unlock
11. peaceful
12. kingdom

(A) A place ruled by a king or queen
(B) To try to find something
(C) A big, magical creature that looks like a lizard with wings
(D) Someone who is clever and might deceive you
(E) Exciting experiences or journeys
(F) To take air into and out of your lungs
(G) Round shapes that go around and around
(H) A person who is admired for doing something very brave or great
(I) Time that is yet to come
(J) To open something that was closed or locked
(K) Quiet, calm, and without fighting
(L) Something valuable and often hidden
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was special about Dillon the dragon?
(a) He could breathe fire.
(b) He could fly really fast.
(c) He could swim underwater.
(d) He could see the future in his dreams.

2. Who did Dillon meet in the forest?
(a) Lily the rabbit.
(b) Sam the squirrel.
(c) Max the fox.
(d) Emily the bird.

3. How did Sam help Dillon in the forest?
(a) He made Dillon more lost.
(b) He showed Dillon the way out.
(c) He gave Dillon a map.
(d) He flew above the trees to look for the cave.

4. How did Dillon find the cave?
(a) He followed his dream.
(b) He asked Sam for directions.
(c) He saw a sign pointing to the cave.
(d) He stumbled upon it by accident.

5. Who did Dillon meet inside the cave?
(a) Oscar the owl.
(b) Daisy the dragon.
(c) Molly the mouse.
(d) Charlie the cat.

6. What did Dillon and Daisy use to unlock the treasure?
(a) A key they found in the cave.
(b) A magic spell.
(c) A secret code.
(d) Their dreams.

7. What did Dillon learn about friendship?
(a) Friends are always there to help you.
(b) Friends can make you more lost.
(c) Friends can do great things when they share their dreams.
(d) Friends are not important.

8. What happened to Dillon and Daisy after they found the treasure?
(a) They went back to their homes and never saw each other again.
(b) They became famous actors.
(c) They had many fun adventures and kept their land safe.
(d) They forgot about the treasure and moved to a different land.

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Inside the cave, Dillon met another dragon named Daisy who also dreamed about the treasure.
2. Dillon woke up from his dream and decided to find the treasure to become a true hero.
3. Dillon found his way out of a thick forest and met a friendly squirrel named Sam who helped him find his way.
4. Dillon had another dream that showed him the cave was far away, and he followed it to find the cave nowhere in sight.
5. Dillon and Daisy used their dreams to unlock the curse and bring chaos and discord to their land.
6. The dragon named Dillon could breathe fire, but he couldn’t see the future in his dreams.
7. Dillon and Daisy became friends and went on many exciting adventures together, keeping their land safe.
8. Dillon had a dream about a special treasure in a secret cave that could bring peace to their land.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What was different about Dillon the dragon?
Dillon couldn’t breathe fire.

2. What did Dillon dream about every night?
Dillon dreamed about adventures waiting for him.

3. Who did Dillon meet in the forest?
Dillon met a tricky squirrel named Sam.

4. Did Sam really help Dillon or make him more lost?
Sam made Dillon more lost by going around in circles.

5. How did Dillon find the secret cave?
Dillon found the secret cave by following a dream.

6. What did Dillon and Daisy do with the treasure?
Dillon and Daisy used the treasure to make their land happy and peaceful.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) dragon
(2) different
(3) fire
(4) Dillon
(5) tricky
(6) named
(7) dream
(8) showed
(9) treasure
(10) making
(11) land
(12) friendship
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. dragon
Answer: (C) A big, magical creature that looks like a lizard with wings

2. breathe
Answer: (F) To take air into and out of your lungs

3. future
Answer: (I) Time that is yet to come

4. adventures
Answer: (E) Exciting experiences or journeys

5. treasure
Answer: (L) Something valuable and often hidden

6. hero
Answer: (H) A person who is admired for doing something very brave or great

7. search
Answer: (B) To try to find something

8. tricky
Answer: (D) Someone who is clever and might deceive you

9. circles
Answer: (G) Round shapes that go around and around

10. unlock
Answer: (J) To open something that was closed or locked

11. peaceful
Answer: (K) Quiet, calm, and without fighting

12. kingdom
Answer: (A) A place ruled by a king or queen
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What was special about Dillon the dragon?
Answer: (d) He could see the future in his dreams.

2. Who did Dillon meet in the forest?
Answer: (b) Sam the squirrel.

3. How did Sam help Dillon in the forest?
Answer: (a) He made Dillon more lost.

4. How did Dillon find the cave?
Answer: (a) He followed his dream.

5. Who did Dillon meet inside the cave?
Answer: (b) Daisy the dragon.

6. What did Dillon and Daisy use to unlock the treasure?
Answer: (d) Their dreams.

7. What did Dillon learn about friendship?
Answer: (c) Friends can do great things when they share their dreams.

8. What happened to Dillon and Daisy after they found the treasure?
Answer: (c) They had many fun adventures and kept their land safe.
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Inside the cave, Dillon met another dragon named Daisy who also dreamed about the treasure. (Answer: True)
2. Dillon woke up from his dream and decided to find the treasure to become a true hero. (Answer: True)
3. Dillon found his way out of a thick forest and met a friendly squirrel named Sam who helped him find his way. (Answer: False)
4. Dillon had another dream that showed him the cave was far away, and he followed it to find the cave nowhere in sight. (Answer: False)
5. Dillon and Daisy used their dreams to unlock the curse and bring chaos and discord to their land. (Answer: False)
6. The dragon named Dillon could breathe fire, but he couldn’t see the future in his dreams. (Answer: False)
7. Dillon and Daisy became friends and went on many exciting adventures together, keeping their land safe. (Answer: True)
8. Dillon had a dream about a special treasure in a secret cave that could bring peace to their land. (Answer: True)
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📚 How about these other Level 2 stories?

A determined cat named Fluffy builds a flying contraption and learns the importance of seeking guidance.

Fluffy’s Fantastic Flight

Fluffy the cat wanted to fly, so he built a machine, but got scared when he went too high, luckily some seagulls helped him land safely and taught him an important lesson.

Lily discovers a hidden door in the enchanted forest and befriends a sparkling fairy named Hazel.

The Fairy’s Secret

Lily loved fairy tales and one day she found a tiny door in the forest. She met a fairy named Hazel who invited her to a fairy dance. But a grumpy gnome named Grumpyboots wanted to cause trouble. Lily and the fairies joined their magic to stop him. Grumpyboots learned his lesson and became a happy gnome. Lily stayed kind and the fairies kept dancing in the moonlight.

The Land of Flying Pancakes

Lily’s pancake adventure taught her to be brave, clever, and kind, and now everyone in her village celebrates with a pancake party every year.

In the end, it wasn't the blueberries that made the Bizarre Blueberry Banquet special, but the spirit of the village.

The Bizarre Blueberry Banquet

The villagers in Berryville had a big blueberry party, but the blueberries disappeared! They found them and had fun, even in the rain.

Three friendly ghosts bring joy and laughter to a lonely boy, teaching him the power of true friendship.

The Three Friendly Ghosts

Three friendly ghosts named Casper, Jasper, and Hester meet a sad boy named Timmy and become his secret friends, playing tricks and having fun adventures together, teaching Timmy the importance of friendship and spreading joy to others.

Freddie Firefly embarks on a daring adventure, encountering a spider, a lost caterpillar, and wise owls.

The Adventures of Freddie Firefly

Freddie the firefly had an exciting adventure in the magical forest, where he made new friends and learned important lessons about bravery and friendship.
