Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Lady in Australia Takes Van with Doughnuts Inside

Woman charged with stealing delivery van carrying 10,000 Krispy Kreme doughnuts; incident raises questions about motives behind such a theft.

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A woman in Australia took a van with lots of doughnuts inside. The van was left alone at a place where cars get fuel. Later, people found the van with no one inside and the doughnuts were not good to eat anymore. The woman who took the van is in trouble and can’t leave jail right now.

The company that makes the doughnuts told the police what happened. They said they will make more doughnuts to replace the ones that were taken. No one knows why the woman took the van or what she wanted to do with all the doughnuts. People are reminded to be careful and lock their cars so no one can take them.

People are talking a lot about this strange story. The doughnuts that were taken were ruined and couldn’t be sold. The doughnut company cares a lot about making their customers happy and will give them new doughnuts. People are wondering why someone would steal so many doughnuts.

Original news source: Australian woman charged with stealing van carrying 10,000 doughnuts (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1AustraliaA big country with kangaroos and the Sydney Opera House
2doughnutsSweet, round treats with a hole in the middle, often covered in sugar or frosting
3vanA big car that can carry lots of things or people
4fuelThe stuff you put in cars, trucks, and motorcycles to make them go
5jailA place where people are sent when they break the law
6companyA group of people who work together to make or sell things
7replaceTo give someone a new thing because the old one is gone or broken
8lockTo close something with a key so others can’t open it
9carefulBeing very watchful and making sure everything is safe
10ruinedSomething that is broken, damaged, or can’t be used anymore
11customersPeople who buy things from a store or business
12stealTo take something that isn’t yours without permission

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the article. Instruct them to read the article together and then summarize the main points in their own words. After they have finished, have a few pairs share their summaries with the class.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Write the following question on the board: “Why do you think someone would steal so many doughnuts?” Instruct the students to think of their own answer to the question and then circulate around the room, asking their classmates for their opinions. They should write down their classmates’ responses. After a few minutes, gather the class together and have a few students share the different opinions they collected.

– Word Association
Instructions: Write the word “doughnuts” on the board. Instruct the students to brainstorm as many words as they can that they associate with doughnuts. Encourage them to think of related words such as “sweet,” “pastry,” or “sprinkles.” After a few minutes, have the students share their words with the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write a list of vocabulary words from the article on separate slips of paper, such as “van,” “jail,” “fuel,” or “replace.” Divide the class into small groups and give each group a few slips of paper. Instruct the groups to take turns choosing a slip of paper and drawing a picture to represent the word. The other groups should try to guess the word based on the drawing. Continue until all the slips of paper have been used.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Divide the class into two groups. Assign one group the task of coming up with the pros (benefits) of stealing doughnuts, and the other group the task of coming up with the cons (drawbacks) of stealing doughnuts. Give the groups a few minutes to brainstorm and then have them share their ideas with the class. Encourage a discussion about the different perspectives.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did the woman in Australia take?
2. Where was the van left alone?
3. What happened to the doughnuts?
4. Why is the woman in trouble?
5. Who told the police what happened?
6. What will the doughnut company do to replace the stolen doughnuts?
7. Why are people talking a lot about this story?
Go to answers ⇩

🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

A woman in Australia took a van with lots of (1)______ inside. The van was (2)______ alone at a place where (3)______ get fuel. Later, people found the van with no one inside and the doughnuts were not good to eat anymore. The woman who took the van is in trouble and can’t leave (4)______ right now.

The company that makes the doughnuts told the police what happened. They (5)______ they will make (6)______ doughnuts to replace the ones that were taken. No one knows why the woman (7)______ the van or what she (8)______ to do with all the doughnuts. (9)______ are reminded to be careful and lock their cars so no one can take them.

People are talking a lot about this strange story. The doughnuts that were taken were ruined and couldn’t be sold. The doughnut (10)______ cares a lot about making their customers happy and will give them new doughnuts. People are (11)______ why someone would steal so (12)______ doughnuts.
Go to answers ⇩

💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a doughnut?
2. How would you feel if someone took your car without permission?
3. Do you like doughnuts? Why or why not?
4. What do you think the woman wanted to do with all the doughnuts?
5. How do you think the doughnut company feels about the stolen doughnuts?
6. Have you ever had something stolen from you? How did you feel?
7. What would you do if you found a van full of doughnuts?
8. Do you think it’s important to lock your car? Why or why not?
9. How do you think the woman feels now that she’s in jail?
10. What do you think the police should do to the woman who took the van?
11. Have you ever done something that got you into trouble? What happened?
12. Why do you think people are talking a lot about this strange story?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. Australia
2. doughnuts
3. van
4. fuel
5. jail
6. company
7. replace
8. lock
9. careful
10. ruined
11. customers
12. steal

(A) The stuff you put in cars, trucks, and motorcycles to make them go
(B) To give someone a new thing because the old one is gone or broken
(C) A group of people who work together to make or sell things
(D) A big car that can carry lots of things or people
(E) A place where people are sent when they break the law
(F) People who buy things from a store or business
(G) Something that is broken, damaged, or can’t be used anymore
(H) A big country with kangaroos and the Sydney Opera House
(I) To take something that isn’t yours without permission
(J) Being very watchful and making sure everything is safe
(K) To close something with a key so others can’t open it
(L) Sweet, round treats with a hole in the middle, often covered in sugar or frosting
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did the woman take from the van?
(a) Money
(b) Clothes
(c) Books
(d) Doughnuts

2. Where was the van left?
(a) At a grocery store
(b) At a place to get fuel
(c) At a school
(d) At a park

3. What happened to the doughnuts?
(a) They were sold to other people
(b) They were given to the police
(c) They were shared with friends
(d) They were not good to eat anymore

4. Why is the woman in jail?
(a) Because she ate the doughnuts
(b) Because she locked her car
(c) Because she took the van
(d) Because she called the police

5. Who told the police what happened?
(a) The company that makes the doughnuts
(b) The woman who took the van
(c) The people who found the van
(d) The customers who bought the doughnuts

6. What will the company do to replace the doughnuts?
(a) Give money to the woman
(b) Make more doughnuts
(c) Close their business
(d) Buy a new van

7. Why are people talking about this story?
(a) Because it is strange
(b) Because they like doughnuts
(c) Because they know the woman
(d) Because they want to buy a van

8. Why are people wondering why someone would steal so many doughnuts?
(a) Because they want to eat the doughnuts
(b) Because they want to steal too
(c) Because they are curious
(d) Because they know the woman

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The van was constantly monitored at a gas station.
2. The doughnuts in the van were no longer good to eat.
3. The doughnut company reported the incident to the police.
4. When people found the van, there was nobody inside.
5. The reason for the woman taking the van and her intentions with the doughnuts are known.
6. The company will not make more doughnuts to replace the ones that were taken.
7. The woman who took the van is currently in jail and cannot leave.
8. A man in Australia took a van filled with doughnuts.
Go to answers ⇩

📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What happened to the van with the doughnuts inside?
2. Why can’t the woman who took the van leave jail right now?
3. What did the company that makes the doughnuts say they will do?
4. Why are people reminded to lock their cars?
5. Why are people wondering why someone would steal so many doughnuts?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What did the woman in Australia take?
The woman took a van with lots of doughnuts inside.

2. Where was the van left alone?
The van was left alone at a place where cars get fuel.

3. What happened to the doughnuts?
The doughnuts were not good to eat anymore and were ruined.

4. Why is the woman in trouble?
The woman is in trouble because she took the van without permission.

5. Who told the police what happened?
The company that makes the doughnuts told the police what happened.

6. What will the doughnut company do to replace the stolen doughnuts?
The doughnut company will make more doughnuts to replace the stolen ones.

7. Why are people talking a lot about this story?
People are talking a lot about this story because it is strange and unusual for someone to steal so many doughnuts.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) doughnuts
(2) left
(3) cars
(4) jail
(5) said
(6) more
(7) took
(8) wanted
(9) People
(10) company
(11) wondering
(12) many
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. Australia
Answer: (H) A big country with kangaroos and the Sydney Opera House

2. doughnuts
Answer: (L) Sweet, round treats with a hole in the middle, often covered in sugar or frosting

3. van
Answer: (D) A big car that can carry lots of things or people

4. fuel
Answer: (A) The stuff you put in cars, trucks, and motorcycles to make them go

5. jail
Answer: (E) A place where people are sent when they break the law

6. company
Answer: (C) A group of people who work together to make or sell things

7. replace
Answer: (B) To give someone a new thing because the old one is gone or broken

8. lock
Answer: (K) To close something with a key so others can’t open it

9. careful
Answer: (J) Being very watchful and making sure everything is safe

10. ruined
Answer: (G) Something that is broken, damaged, or can’t be used anymore

11. customers
Answer: (F) People who buy things from a store or business

12. steal
Answer: (I) To take something that isn’t yours without permission
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did the woman take from the van?
Answer: (d) Doughnuts

2. Where was the van left?
Answer: (b) At a place to get fuel

3. What happened to the doughnuts?
Answer: (d) They were not good to eat anymore

4. Why is the woman in jail?
Answer: (c) Because she took the van

5. Who told the police what happened?
Answer: (a) The company that makes the doughnuts

6. What will the company do to replace the doughnuts?
Answer: (b) Make more doughnuts

7. Why are people talking about this story?
Answer: (a) Because it is strange

8. Why are people wondering why someone would steal so many doughnuts?
Answer: (c) Because they are curious
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The van was constantly monitored at a gas station. (Answer: False)
2. The doughnuts in the van were no longer good to eat. (Answer: True)
3. The doughnut company reported the incident to the police. (Answer: True)
4. When people found the van, there was nobody inside. (Answer: True)
5. The reason for the woman taking the van and her intentions with the doughnuts are known. (Answer: False)
6. The company will not make more doughnuts to replace the ones that were taken. (Answer: False)
7. The woman who took the van is currently in jail and cannot leave. (Answer: True)
8. A man in Australia took a van filled with doughnuts. (Answer: False)
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