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English Professor

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Self-driving cars might be on the roads soon!

Driverless cars could be on UK roads by the end of 2026, according to the UK transport secretary, Mark Harper, who emphasized the importance of a proper safety regime and people's confidence in the technology.

Try this article at a different level?


Some people in the UK say that cars that drive by themselves might be on the roads in a few years. These cars would let people travel without looking at the road. But some people are worried that if the cars are not ready, there might be bad accidents. The man in charge of roads says it’s important that these cars are safe and that people trust them.

The man also said that people can choose if they want to use these self-driving cars. These cars could help make roads safer because they won’t make the mistakes people do. Right now, in the UK, there is only one kind of car that lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road. A man who works for the car company said that the cars can’t drive you home from places like a bar yet. The UK is making new rules for these cars, but we have to wait and see how it all works out.

Original news source: Driverless cars: Tech possible for UK motorways by 2026, transport secretary says (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1accidentsBoo-boos that happen when things crash or bump
2importantSomething that is very, very special and we need to pay attention to
3trustWhen you believe that someone or something is good and won’t hurt you
4chooseTo pick one thing over another because you like it more
5travelTo go from one place to another place
6mistakesOopsies or things that are done wrong
7wheelA round thing that you turn to make a car go different ways
8companyA group of people who work together to make or sell things
9rulesThe ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ that tell us how to do things
10waitTo stay for a little bit until it’s your turn or until something happens

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Charades
Instructions: Divide the class into two teams. Write down key words from the article on small pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. One student from each team will take turns picking a word and acting it out without speaking. The team must guess the word within a certain time limit. The team with the most correct guesses wins.

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs, students will take turns summarizing the article in their own words. They should try to include the main points and key details. After each summary, the other student can provide feedback and suggest any missing information.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will discuss and share their opinions on self-driving cars. They can discuss the benefits, concerns, and any personal experiences or thoughts they may have. After the discussion, each group can present a summary of their opinions to the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write down key vocabulary words from the article on small pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. One student will pick a word and have to draw it on the board without using any words or numbers. The rest of the class must guess the word. The student who guesses correctly can pick the next word.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: In pairs, students will take turns sharing their thoughts and reactions to the article. They can discuss questions such as: Do they think self-driving cars will be common in the future? Are they excited or concerned about this technology? After discussing, pairs can share their thoughts with the whole class.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What are some people in the UK saying might be on the roads in a few years?
2. Why are some people worried about these cars?
3. What is the man in charge of roads saying is important?
4. Can people choose if they want to use these self-driving cars?
5. How could these cars help make roads safer?
6. What kind of car in the UK lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road?
7. What are the UK making new rules for?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Some (1)______ in the UK say that cars that drive by themselves might be on the roads in a few (2)______. These cars would let people travel without looking at the road. But some people are worried that if the cars are not (3)______, there might be bad (4)______. The man in charge of roads says it’s important that these cars are safe and that people trust them.

The man also said that people can choose if they want to use these self-driving (5)______. These cars could (6)______ make roads safer because they won’t make the mistakes people do. Right now, in the UK, there is only one kind of car that lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road. A man who works for the car (7)______ said that the cars can’t drive you home from places like a bar yet. The UK is making new rules for these cars, but we (8)______ to wait and see how it all works out.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What do you think about cars that can drive by themselves?
2. How would you feel if you could travel in a car without looking at the road?
3. Do you like the idea of self-driving cars? Why or why not?
4. What do you think might happen if the self-driving cars are not safe?
5. How do you think self-driving cars could make the roads safer?
6. Do you know any cars that let you not touch the wheel?
7. How do you think self-driving cars could help people who have been drinking at a bar?
8. Do you think it’s a good idea for people to be able to choose if they want to use self-driving cars? Why or why not?
9. What kind of rules do you think the UK is making for self-driving cars?
10. How do you think these new rules will work out?
11. Have you ever seen a self-driving car? What was it like?
12. Do you think self-driving cars will be popular in the future? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. accidents
2. important
3. trust
4. choose
5. travel
6. mistakes
7. wheel
8. company
9. rules
10. wait

(A) Oopsies or things that are done wrong
(B) When you believe that someone or something is good and won’t hurt you
(C) To go from one place to another place
(D) A round thing that you turn to make a car go different ways
(E) The ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ that tell us how to do things
(F) A group of people who work together to make or sell things
(G) Boo-boos that happen when things crash or bump
(H) To pick one thing over another because you like it more
(I) To stay for a little bit until it’s your turn or until something happens
(J) Something that is very, very special and we need to pay attention to
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What are some people in the UK saying might be on the roads in a few years?
(a) Bicycles that fly
(b) Boats that swim
(c) Cars that drive by themselves
(d) Trains that go to space

2. Why are some people worried about self-driving cars?
(a) They might be too slow
(b) They might cause bad accidents
(c) They might be too expensive
(d) They might be too loud

3. What is important for self-driving cars to be?
(a) Fast and colorful
(b) Small and bumpy
(c) Safe and trustworthy
(d) Loud and smelly

4. Can people choose if they want to use self-driving cars?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
(d) I don’t know

5. How could self-driving cars help make roads safer?
(a) They will make the mistakes people do
(b) They won’t make the mistakes people do
(c) They will make the roads busier
(d) They will make the roads narrower

6. What is the only kind of car in the UK that lets you not touch the wheel?
(a) The self-driving car
(b) The flying car
(c) The swimming car
(d) The space car

7. Can the cars drive you home from a bar yet?
(a) Yes
(b) Maybe
(c) I don’t know
(d) No

8. What is the UK doing for these cars?
(a) Making new toys
(b) Making new clothes
(c) Making new food
(d) Making new rules

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The man also said that people cannot choose if they want to use these self-driving cars.
2. These cars would require people to constantly look at the road while traveling.
3. Some people are worried that if the cars are not ready, there might be bad accidents.
4. The man in charge of roads says it’s not important that these cars are safe and that people trust them.
5. Right now, in the UK, there is only one kind of car that lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road.
6. These cars could potentially make roads more dangerous because they will make the same mistakes as people do.
7. The UK is making new rules for these cars, but we have to wait and see how it all works out.
8. Some people in the UK think that cars that drive by themselves might be on the roads soon.
Go to answers ⇩

📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What are some people in the UK saying might be on the roads in a few years?
2. Why are some people worried about these self-driving cars?
3. What does the man in charge of roads think is important about these cars?
4. Can people choose if they want to use these self-driving cars?
5. Why could these self-driving cars help make roads safer?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What are some people in the UK saying might be on the roads in a few years?
Some people in the UK are saying that cars that drive by themselves might be on the roads in a few years.

2. Why are some people worried about these cars?
Some people are worried that if the cars are not ready, there might be bad accidents.

3. What is the man in charge of roads saying is important?
The man in charge of roads says it’s important that these cars are safe and that people trust them.

4. Can people choose if they want to use these self-driving cars?
Yes, people can choose if they want to use these self-driving cars.

5. How could these cars help make roads safer?
These cars could help make roads safer because they won’t make the mistakes people do.

6. What kind of car in the UK lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road?
Right now, in the UK, there is only one kind of car that lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road.

7. What are the UK making new rules for?
The UK is making new rules for these cars.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) people
(2) years
(3) ready
(4) accidents
(5) cars
(6) help
(7) company
(8) have
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. accidents
Answer: (G) Boo-boos that happen when things crash or bump

2. important
Answer: (J) Something that is very, very special and we need to pay attention to

3. trust
Answer: (B) When you believe that someone or something is good and won’t hurt you

4. choose
Answer: (H) To pick one thing over another because you like it more

5. travel
Answer: (C) To go from one place to another place

6. mistakes
Answer: (A) Oopsies or things that are done wrong

7. wheel
Answer: (D) A round thing that you turn to make a car go different ways

8. company
Answer: (F) A group of people who work together to make or sell things

9. rules
Answer: (E) The ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ that tell us how to do things

10. wait
Answer: (I) To stay for a little bit until it’s your turn or until something happens
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What are some people in the UK saying might be on the roads in a few years?
Answer: (c) Cars that drive by themselves

2. Why are some people worried about self-driving cars?
Answer: (b) They might cause bad accidents

3. What is important for self-driving cars to be?
Answer: (c) Safe and trustworthy

4. Can people choose if they want to use self-driving cars?
Answer: (a) Yes

5. How could self-driving cars help make roads safer?
Answer: (b) They won’t make the mistakes people do

6. What is the only kind of car in the UK that lets you not touch the wheel?
Answer: (a) The self-driving car

7. Can the cars drive you home from a bar yet?
Answer: (d) No

8. What is the UK doing for these cars?
Answer: (d) Making new rules
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The man also said that people cannot choose if they want to use these self-driving cars. (Answer: False)
2. These cars would require people to constantly look at the road while traveling. (Answer: False)
3. Some people are worried that if the cars are not ready, there might be bad accidents. (Answer: True)
4. The man in charge of roads says it’s not important that these cars are safe and that people trust them. (Answer: False)
5. Right now, in the UK, there is only one kind of car that lets you not touch the wheel, but you still have to watch the road. (Answer: True)
6. These cars could potentially make roads more dangerous because they will make the same mistakes as people do. (Answer: False)
7. The UK is making new rules for these cars, but we have to wait and see how it all works out. (Answer: True)
8. Some people in the UK think that cars that drive by themselves might be on the roads soon. (Answer: True)
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