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Henry Kissinger: Controversial Diplomat and Influential Cold Warrior


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Henry Kissinger, a famous diplomat and political figure, passed away at the age of 100 at his home in Connecticut. He was known for his approach to foreign relations, which some people liked and others didn’t. Kissinger believed in doing what was best for the United States, even if it meant making tough decisions. He played a big role in improving relationships with the Soviet Union and China, and he helped end conflicts like the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Vietnam War. But some people criticized him for supporting actions that they thought were wrong, like the coup in Chile and the “dirty war” in Argentina.

Kissinger was born in Germany into a Jewish family. They had to leave Germany because of the Nazis, and they moved to the United States in 1938. Kissinger faced challenges as a teenager, but he did well in school and eventually got involved in military intelligence during World War II. After the war, he went to college and became a professor.

Kissinger became really important when he wrote a book about nuclear war and foreign policy. This book got him noticed, and he was chosen to be the national security advisor for President Richard Nixon. He helped improve relationships with the Soviet Union and China, and he was a big part of Nixon’s visit to China in 1972. But Kissinger also got criticized for his involvement in the Vietnam War and his actions in Cambodia.

Even with all the controversy, Kissinger stayed influential in politics. He advised other presidents and had a say in foreign policy. World leaders wanted to hear what he thought about things like the Middle East and Russia’s takeover of Crimea. Kissinger believed in doing what was best for the United States, even if it wasn’t perfect. He once said, “A country that demands moral perfection in its foreign policy will achieve neither perfection nor security.”

Original news source: Henry Kissinger: Divisive diplomat who towered over world affairs (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a few minutes to read the article. Then, ask them to summarize the main points of the article in their own words. Afterward, have each group share their summaries with the rest of the class.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Write different statements related to the article on the board, such as “Henry Kissinger was a successful diplomat” or “Kissinger’s actions were morally questionable.” Have the students individually rate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement on a scale from 1 to 5. Once they have rated each statement, ask them to share and discuss their opinions in pairs or small groups.

– Sketch It
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Assign each group a specific event or concept from the article, such as “Kissinger’s involvement in the Vietnam War” or “Kissinger’s visit to China.” Give the groups a few minutes to brainstorm and sketch a visual representation of their assigned topic. Afterward, have each group present their sketches to the rest of the class and explain their interpretation.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write a list of vocabulary words from the article on separate slips of paper. Divide the class into two teams. Take turns having a member from each team come to the front of the class and choose a slip of paper. Without speaking, the student must draw a visual representation of the word while their team tries to guess what it is. The team that guesses correctly earns a point. Repeat with different students and words until all the vocabulary words have been used.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: In pairs or small groups, have the students discuss and make predictions about the future of diplomacy and foreign relations. Encourage them to consider the impact of technology, globalization, and current geopolitical events. Afterward, ask a few groups to share their predictions with the rest of the class and facilitate a class discussion on the topic.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who was Henry Kissinger and what was he known for?
2. How did Kissinger contribute to improving relationships with the Soviet Union and China?
3. What were some of the conflicts that Kissinger helped end?
4. What were some criticisms of Kissinger’s actions?
5. Why did Kissinger and his family have to leave Germany?
6. What role did Kissinger play during World War II?
7. How did Kissinger become influential in politics?
8. What was Kissinger’s belief about foreign policy and moral perfection?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Henry (1)______, a famous diplomat and political figure, passed away at the age of 100 at his home in Connecticut. He was known for his approach to (2)______ relations, which some people (3)______ and others didn’t. Kissinger believed in doing what was best for the United States, even if it meant (4)______ tough decisions. He played a big role in improving relationships with the Soviet Union and China, and he helped end conflicts like the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Vietnam War. But some people criticized him for supporting actions that they thought were wrong, like the coup in Chile and the “dirty war” in Argentina.

Kissinger was born in (5)______ into a Jewish (6)______. They had to leave Germany because of the (7)______, and they moved to the United (8)______ in 1938. Kissinger faced challenges as a teenager, but he did well in school and eventually got involved in military intelligence during World War II. After the war, he went to college and became a professor.

Kissinger became really (9)______ when he wrote a book about nuclear war and foreign policy. This book got him noticed, and he was chosen to be the (10)______ security advisor for President Richard Nixon. He helped improve relationships with the Soviet Union and China, and he was a big part of Nixon’s visit to China in 1972. But Kissinger also got criticized for his involvement in the (11)______ War and his (12)______ in Cambodia.

Even with all the controversy, Kissinger stayed (13)______ in politics. He advised (14)______ presidents and had a say in foreign policy. World leaders wanted to hear what he thought about things like the Middle East and Russia’s takeover of Crimea. Kissinger (15)______ in doing what was best for the (16)______ States, even if it wasn’t perfect. He once said, “A country that demands moral perfection in its foreign policy will achieve neither perfection nor security.”
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. Who was Henry Kissinger and what was he known for?
2. How do you think Henry Kissinger’s experiences as a teenager shaped his life?
3. What do you think it means to do what is best for your country, even if it means making tough decisions?
4. How would you feel if you had to leave your home country because of a dangerous situation?
5. Do you think it’s important for countries to improve relationships with other nations? Why or why not?
6. What do you think are some challenges that diplomats and political figures like Henry Kissinger face?
7. How do you think Henry Kissinger’s book about nuclear war and foreign policy helped him become influential in politics?
8. Do you think it’s important for leaders to listen to the advice of experienced diplomats like Kissinger? Why or why not?
9. How do you think Kissinger’s involvement in the Vietnam War affected his reputation?
10. What do you think are some qualities that make a good national security advisor?
11. How do you think Kissinger’s background as a professor influenced his approach to foreign policy?
12. Do you agree with Kissinger’s statement about moral perfection in foreign policy? Why or why not?
13. How do you think Kissinger’s actions in Chile and Argentina affected his legacy?
14. Do you think it’s possible for a country to achieve both moral perfection and security in its foreign policy? Why or why not?
15. How do you think Kissinger’s contributions to improving relationships between countries have shaped the world today?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. diplomat
2. conflicts
3. coup
4. influential
5. controversy
6. advisor
7. takeover
8. perfection

(a) Fights or disagreements between different groups of people
(b) Someone who gives advice to an important person or group
(c) Disagreement or argument about something important
(d) When something is exactly right and has no mistakes
(e) When one country takes control of another country
(f) A person who represents their country in other countries
(g) Having a lot of power and able to make important decisions
(h) When a group of people takes control of a government by force
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was Henry Kissinger known for?
(a) His career as a diplomat
(b) His approach to foreign relations
(c) His role in ending conflicts
(d) His involvement in military intelligence

2. Where was Henry Kissinger born?
(a) United States
(b) China
(c) Argentina
(d) Germany

3. Why did Henry Kissinger’s family leave Germany?
(a) Because of political conflicts
(b) Because of the Nazis
(c) Because of economic reasons
(d) Because of religious differences

4. How did Henry Kissinger become influential in politics?
(a) By writing a book about nuclear war
(b) By being a professor
(c) By being the national security advisor
(d) By advising other presidents

5. What did some people criticize Henry Kissinger for?
(a) Being involved in military intelligence
(b) Writing a book about foreign policy
(c) Supporting actions they thought were wrong
(d) Advising other presidents

6. What did Henry Kissinger believe in doing?
(a) What was best for the United States
(b) What was best for other countries
(c) What was morally perfect
(d) What was controversial

7. What did Henry Kissinger help improve?
(a) Relationships with the Middle East and Russia
(b) Relationships with Latin American countries
(c) Relationships with the Soviet Union and China
(d) Relationships with European countries

8. What did Henry Kissinger say about moral perfection in foreign policy?
(a) A country that demands moral perfection will achieve neither perfection nor security
(b) A country that demands moral perfection will achieve both perfection and security
(c) A country that demands moral perfection will achieve security but not perfection
(d) A country that demands moral perfection will achieve perfection but not security

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True or False Questions:

1. Despite facing advantages as a teenager, Kissinger excelled academically and later became involved in military intelligence during World War II.
2. Kissinger was born into a Catholic family in Germany, but they had to flee the country due to the Communists and settled in the United States in 1938.
3. However, some individuals criticized him for supporting actions they believed to be wrong, such as the coup in Chile and the “dirty war” in Argentina.
4. Kissinger’s book on nuclear war and foreign policy propelled him to prominence, leading to his appointment as national security advisor for President Richard Nixon.
5. Kissinger played a significant role in improving relations with the Soviet Union and China, as well as resolving conflicts like the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Vietnam War.
6. Henry Kissinger, a well-known diplomat and political figure, is still alive at the age of 100 in his Connecticut home.
7. Kissinger had a typical approach to foreign relations that garnered both support and criticism from different people.
8. He prioritized the best interests of the United States, even if it meant making difficult decisions.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. Who was Henry Kissinger and what was he known for?
2. Why did Kissinger’s family have to leave Germany?
3. How did Kissinger become important in politics?
4. What were some of the controversies surrounding Kissinger?
5. What did Kissinger believe about foreign policy?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who was Henry Kissinger and what was he known for?
Henry Kissinger was a famous diplomat and political figure. He was known for his approach to foreign relations and making tough decisions in the best interest of the United States.

2. How did Kissinger contribute to improving relationships with the Soviet Union and China?
Kissinger played a big role in improving relationships with the Soviet Union and China. He helped negotiate important agreements and meetings between these countries, such as President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972.

3. What were some of the conflicts that Kissinger helped end?
Kissinger helped end conflicts like the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Vietnam War. His diplomatic efforts and negotiations played a significant role in finding peaceful resolutions for these conflicts.

4. What were some criticisms of Kissinger’s actions?
Some people criticized Kissinger for supporting actions they believed were wrong, such as the coup in Chile and the “dirty war” in Argentina. They felt that his decisions were morally questionable.

5. Why did Kissinger and his family have to leave Germany?
Kissinger and his family had to leave Germany because of the Nazis. They were Jewish, and the Nazis were persecuting and discriminating against Jewish people.

6. What role did Kissinger play during World War II?
During World War II, Kissinger got involved in military intelligence. He used his knowledge and skills to help gather and analyze information for the military.

7. How did Kissinger become influential in politics?
Kissinger became influential in politics after writing a book about nuclear war and foreign policy. This caught the attention of President Richard Nixon, who appointed Kissinger as his national security advisor. From there, Kissinger advised other presidents and had a say in foreign policy.

8. What was Kissinger’s belief about foreign policy and moral perfection?
Kissinger believed that a country demanding moral perfection in its foreign policy would achieve neither perfection nor security. He understood that making tough decisions in the best interest of the United States might not always align with moral perfection.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Kissinger
(2) foreign
(3) liked
(4) making
(5) Germany
(6) family
(7) Nazis
(8) States
(9) important
(10) national
(11) Vietnam
(12) actions
(13) influential
(14) other
(15) believed
(16) United
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. diplomat
Answer: (f) A person who represents their country in other countries

2. conflicts
Answer: (a) Fights or disagreements between different groups of people

3. coup
Answer: (h) When a group of people takes control of a government by force

4. influential
Answer: (g) Having a lot of power and able to make important decisions

5. controversy
Answer: (c) Disagreement or argument about something important

6. advisor
Answer: (b) Someone who gives advice to an important person or group

7. takeover
Answer: (e) When one country takes control of another country

8. perfection
Answer: (d) When something is exactly right and has no mistakes
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What was Henry Kissinger known for?
Answer: (b) His approach to foreign relations

2. Where was Henry Kissinger born?
Answer: (d) Germany

3. Why did Henry Kissinger’s family leave Germany?
Answer: (b) Because of the Nazis

4. How did Henry Kissinger become influential in politics?
Answer: (d) By advising other presidents

5. What did some people criticize Henry Kissinger for?
Answer: (c) Supporting actions they thought were wrong

6. What did Henry Kissinger believe in doing?
Answer: (a) What was best for the United States

7. What did Henry Kissinger help improve?
Answer: (c) Relationships with the Soviet Union and China

8. What did Henry Kissinger say about moral perfection in foreign policy?
Answer: (a) A country that demands moral perfection will achieve neither perfection nor security
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True or False Answers:

1. Despite facing advantages as a teenager, Kissinger excelled academically and later became involved in military intelligence during World War II. (Answer: False)
2. Kissinger was born into a Catholic family in Germany, but they had to flee the country due to the Communists and settled in the United States in 1938. (Answer: False)
3. However, some individuals criticized him for supporting actions they believed to be wrong, such as the coup in Chile and the “dirty war” in Argentina. (Answer: True)
4. Kissinger’s book on nuclear war and foreign policy propelled him to prominence, leading to his appointment as national security advisor for President Richard Nixon. (Answer: True)
5. Kissinger played a significant role in improving relations with the Soviet Union and China, as well as resolving conflicts like the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Vietnam War. (Answer: True)
6. Henry Kissinger, a well-known diplomat and political figure, is still alive at the age of 100 in his Connecticut home. (Answer: False)
7. Kissinger had a typical approach to foreign relations that garnered both support and criticism from different people. (Answer: False)
8. He prioritized the best interests of the United States, even if it meant making difficult decisions. (Answer: True)
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