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Concerning Increase in Teenage Social Media Use Detected

Study reveals alarming rise in problematic social media use among teens, urging action for change.

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A recent international study indicates a significant increase in problematic social media use among teenagers since the onset of the pandemic. Researchers surveyed nearly 280,000 children aged 11, 13, and 15 across 44 countries, revealing that on average, 11% of respondents engaged with social media in a concerning manner in 2022, compared to 7% in 2018. Countries like England, Scotland, and Wales reported figures above this average, prompting urgent concerns about the impact of digital technology on the mental health and well-being of young people in Europe.

The study’s findings suggest that problematic social media use is most prevalent among 13-year-olds, with girls more likely to report such behaviors than boys. The research also highlighted the extensive amount of time young individuals spend online, with over a third of adolescents maintaining continuous online contact with friends throughout the day. While heavy social media use among teenagers who are not classified as problematic users can foster stronger peer support and social connections, those falling into the problematic category exhibit addiction-like symptoms, such as neglecting other activities, frequent arguments, lying about usage, lack of control, and withdrawal.

Concerns were also raised about the proportion of teenagers at risk of problematic gaming, particularly boys. The study, published by the European arm of the World Health Organization, emphasizes the need for digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy online approach. Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, stressed the importance of immediate action by governments, health authorities, teachers, and parents to address the potential negative consequences of excessive social media use, which can lead to depression, bullying, anxiety, and poor academic performance.

While the study provides valuable insights, defining “problematic social media use” remains a challenge, making data collection complex. Nonetheless, it contributes significantly to the evidence base on the subject. Tech companies have been urged to enhance privacy and parental control features on platforms like Instagram to shield children from harmful content. The report underscores the dual nature of social media, with both positive and negative impacts on young individuals, highlighting the necessity for a collective effort to promote healthy online behaviors and safeguard the well-being of adolescents in the digital age.

Original news source: Sharp rise in problematic teenage social media use, study says (BBC)

๐ŸŽง Listen:




๐Ÿ“– Vocabulary:

1prevalentWidespread or commonly occurring
2adolescentsYoung people in the process of developing from a child into an adult
3addiction-likeResembling a compulsive dependency
4withdrawalThe process of ceasing to engage in a habit, often causing discomfort
5literacyThe ability to read and write, or competence in a particular area
6consequencesOutcomes or effects that follow an action or condition
7depressionA mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness
8anxietyA feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
9insightsDeep understanding or perception of a situation
10shieldTo protect or defend from harm
11dualHaving two parts or aspects
12safeguardTo protect or ensure the safety of something
13excessiveMore than is necessary, normal, or desirable
14fosterTo encourage or promote the development of something
15collectiveDone by people acting as a group or whole

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Divide the students into teams. Provide each team with a list of vocabulary words related to the article (e.g., problematic, social media, addiction, well-being). One student from each team will select a word and draw it on the board without using any letters, numbers, or symbols. The rest of the team must guess the word based on the drawing within a time limit. This activity helps reinforce vocabulary while encouraging teamwork and creativity.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Have a class discussion where students debate the pros and cons of teenagers using social media. Divide the class into two groups, one representing the pros and the other the cons. Each group should come up with arguments supporting their assigned stance. Encourage students to use the information from the article to back up their points. This activity promotes critical thinking, communication skills, and the ability to express opinions effectively.

– Sketch It
Instructions: Ask students to work individually and sketch a visual representation of the impact of excessive social media use on teenagers’ mental health. After a few minutes, have students share their sketches with a partner and explain their drawings. This activity encourages creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to convey complex ideas visually.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Write the following statement on the board: “What measures can be taken to promote healthy online behaviors among teenagers?” Ask students to individually brainstorm ideas for a few minutes. Then, have them pair up with a classmate to discuss their ideas. Finally, open the discussion to the whole class for students to share their thoughts. This activity promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.

– News Reporter Role-play
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Assign each pair a role-play scenario where one student is a news reporter and the other is Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, presenting the study’s findings on problematic social media use among teenagers. The news reporter should ask insightful questions about the research, and Dr. Kluge should respond based on the information in the article. This activity enhances speaking and listening skills, as well as the ability to summarize and present information effectively.

๐Ÿค” Comprehension Questions:

1. What were the key findings of the international study on social media use among teenagers?
2. Which age group was identified as the most prevalent in exhibiting problematic social media use?
3. What are some addiction-like symptoms exhibited by teenagers falling into the problematic social media use category?
4. Besides problematic social media use, what other concern was raised in the study regarding teenagers and digital technology?
5. According to the study, what is the role of digital literacy education in addressing the issue of problematic social media use among teenagers?
6. Who emphasized the need for immediate action by various stakeholders to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use on teenagers?
7. Why is defining “problematic social media use” considered a challenge in data collection, according to the article?
8. What are some of the recommendations made to tech companies in the study to protect children from harmful content on social media platforms?
Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐ŸŽงโœ๏ธ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

A recent international study indicates a significant increase in problematic social media use among teenagers since the onset of the (1)______. Researchers surveyed nearly 280,000 children aged 11, 13, and 15 across 44 countries, revealing that on average, 11% of (2)______ engaged with social media in a concerning manner in 2022, compared to 7% in 2018. Countries like England, Scotland, and Wales reported figures above this average, prompting (3)______ concerns about the (4)______ of digital technology on the mental health and well-being of young people in Europe.

The study’s findings suggest that problematic social media use is most prevalent among 13-year-olds, with girls more likely to report such behaviors than boys. The research also highlighted the extensive amount of time young individuals spend online, with over a third of adolescents maintaining continuous online contact with friends throughout the day. While heavy social media use among teenagers who are not (5)______ as problematic users can foster stronger peer support and social connections, those falling into the problematic (6)______ exhibit addiction-like symptoms, such as neglecting (7)______ activities, frequent arguments, lying about usage, lack of (8)______, and withdrawal.

Concerns were also raised about the proportion of teenagers at risk of problematic gaming, particularly boys. The study, published by the European arm of the (9)______ Health (10)______, (11)______ the need for digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy online approach. Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, stressed the importance of immediate action by (12)______, health authorities, teachers, and parents to address the potential negative consequences of excessive social media use, which can lead to depression, bullying, anxiety, and poor academic performance.

While the study provides valuable insights, defining “problematic social media use” remains a challenge, making data collection (13)______. Nonetheless, it contributes significantly to the evidence base on the subject. Tech companies have been urged to enhance privacy and (14)______ control features on platforms like Instagram to shield children from harmful content. The report (15)______ the dual nature of social media, with both positive and negative impacts on young individuals, (16)______ the necessity for a collective effort to promote healthy online behaviors and safeguard the well-being of adolescents in the digital age.
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๐Ÿ’ฌ Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. How do you think the pandemic has influenced teenagers’ social media use?
2. What is your opinion on the impact of digital technology on the mental health of young people?
3. How would you feel if you noticed a friend showing signs of problematic social media use?
4. Do you think social media companies have a responsibility to protect teenagers from harmful content? Why or why not?
5. What are some strategies you believe could help teenagers develop a healthy online approach?
6. How do you personally manage your time spent on social media?
7. Do you think schools should incorporate digital literacy education into their curriculum? Why or why not?
8. How has social media influenced peer support and social connections among teenagers in your opinion?
9. Do you like the idea of tech companies enhancing privacy and parental control features on social media platforms? Why or why not?
10. How do you think parents can support their children in maintaining a healthy balance with social media use?
11. Have you ever experienced negative consequences from excessive social media use? If so, how did you address them?
12. What do you believe are the positive impacts of social media on young individuals?
13. How do you think the definition of “problematic social media use” can be better understood and addressed?
14. Why do you think girls are more likely to report problematic social media use than boys, according to the study?
15. In your opinion, what role should governments play in regulating social media use among teenagers?

Individual Activities

๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ญ Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. prevalent
2. adolescents
3. addiction-like
4. withdrawal
5. literacy
6. consequences
7. depression
8. anxiety
9. insights
10. shield
11. dual
12. safeguard
13. excessive
14. foster
15. collective

(A) Widespread or commonly occurring
(B) To encourage or promote the development of something
(C) A mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness
(D) Outcomes or effects that follow an action or condition
(E) Young people in the process of developing from a child into an adult
(F) To protect or defend from harm
(G) The ability to read and write, or competence in a particular area
(H) The process of ceasing to engage in a habit, often causing discomfort
(I) Resembling a compulsive dependency
(J) Done by people acting as a group or whole
(K) More than is necessary, normal, or desirable
(L) To protect or ensure the safety of something
(M) Having two parts or aspects
(N) Deep understanding or perception of a situation
(O) A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐Ÿ”ก Multiple Choice Questions:

1. According to the article, what percentage of teenagers engaged in problematic social media use in 2022?
(a) 5%
(b) 15%
(c) 11%
(d) 20%

2. Which age group was found to have the highest prevalence of problematic social media use?
(a) 11-year-olds
(b) 15-year-olds
(c) 16-year-olds
(d) 13-year-olds

3. Who is more likely to report problematic social media use according to the study?
(a) Boys
(b) Girls
(c) Both equally
(d) None of the above

4. What percentage of adolescents were found to maintain continuous online contact with friends throughout the day?
(a) Half
(b) One-fourth
(c) Over a third
(d) Almost all

5. What were some addiction-like symptoms exhibited by teenagers falling into the problematic social media use category?
(a) Frequent arguments
(b) Neglecting other activities
(c) Lying about usage
(d) All of the above

6. Which organization published the study on problematic social media use among teenagers?
(a) European arm of the World Health Organization
(b) United Nations
(d) Red Cross

7. Who stressed the importance of immediate action to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use?
(a) A tech company CEO
(b) A social media influencer
(c) A school principal
(d) Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge

8. What was emphasized as a necessity to promote healthy online behaviors among young individuals?
(a) Collective effort
(b) Individual responsibility
(c) Government intervention
(d) Tech company profits

Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ True or False Questions:

1. The research found that 9% of respondents engaged with social media in a concerning manner in 2022.
2. Countries like England, Scotland, and Wales reported figures above the average concerning social media use.
3. Tech companies have been urged to enhance privacy and parental control features on platforms like Instagram to protect children from harmful content.
4. The study surveyed approximately 250,000 children aged 11, 13, and 15 across 40 countries.
5. Over a third of adolescents were reported to maintain continuous online contact with friends throughout the day.
6. The study emphasized the need for digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy online approach.
7. Girls were found to be less likely to report problematic social media use compared to boys.
8. The study indicated that problematic social media use is least prevalent among 13-year-olds.
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๐Ÿ“ Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.
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Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.
Check your answers with our free English writing assistant!

1. What were the key findings of the international study regarding problematic social media use among teenagers?
2. Which age group was found to have the highest prevalence of problematic social media use, according to the research?
3. How do girls compare to boys in terms of reporting problematic social media behaviors, according to the study?
4. What are some of the addiction-like symptoms exhibited by teenagers classified as problematic social media users?
5. What recommendations were made by Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge and the WHO to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use among young people?

โœ… Answers

๐Ÿค”โœ… Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What were the key findings of the international study on social media use among teenagers?
The key findings of the international study indicated a significant increase in problematic social media use among teenagers since the onset of the pandemic, with 11% of respondents engaging in concerning behaviors in 2022 compared to 7% in 2018.

2. Which age group was identified as the most prevalent in exhibiting problematic social media use?
The study identified 13-year-olds as the most prevalent age group in exhibiting problematic social media use.

3. What are some addiction-like symptoms exhibited by teenagers falling into the problematic social media use category?
Teenagers falling into the problematic social media use category exhibit addiction-like symptoms such as neglecting other activities, frequent arguments, lying about usage, lack of control, and withdrawal.

4. Besides problematic social media use, what other concern was raised in the study regarding teenagers and digital technology?
Another concern raised in the study was the proportion of teenagers at risk of problematic gaming, particularly boys.

5. According to the study, what is the role of digital literacy education in addressing the issue of problematic social media use among teenagers?
The study emphasizes the need for digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy online approach and address problematic social media use.

6. Who emphasized the need for immediate action by various stakeholders to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use on teenagers?
Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, emphasized the need for immediate action by governments, health authorities, teachers, and parents to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use on teenagers.

7. Why is defining “problematic social media use” considered a challenge in data collection, according to the article?
Defining “problematic social media use” is considered a challenge in data collection because it remains a subjective term, making it complex to collect consistent data on the issue.

8. What are some of the recommendations made to tech companies in the study to protect children from harmful content on social media platforms?
Tech companies were urged to enhance privacy and parental control features on platforms like Instagram to shield children from harmful content.
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๐ŸŽงโœ๏ธโœ… Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) pandemic
(2) respondents
(3) urgent
(4) impact
(5) classified
(6) category
(7) other
(8) control
(9) World
(10) Organization
(11) emphasizes
(12) governments
(13) complex
(14) parental
(15) underscores
(16) highlighting
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๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ญโœ… Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. prevalent
Answer: (A) Widespread or commonly occurring

2. adolescents
Answer: (E) Young people in the process of developing from a child into an adult

3. addiction-like
Answer: (I) Resembling a compulsive dependency

4. withdrawal
Answer: (H) The process of ceasing to engage in a habit, often causing discomfort

5. literacy
Answer: (G) The ability to read and write, or competence in a particular area

6. consequences
Answer: (D) Outcomes or effects that follow an action or condition

7. depression
Answer: (C) A mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness

8. anxiety
Answer: (O) A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease

9. insights
Answer: (N) Deep understanding or perception of a situation

10. shield
Answer: (F) To protect or defend from harm

11. dual
Answer: (M) Having two parts or aspects

12. safeguard
Answer: (L) To protect or ensure the safety of something

13. excessive
Answer: (K) More than is necessary, normal, or desirable

14. foster
Answer: (B) To encourage or promote the development of something

15. collective
Answer: (J) Done by people acting as a group or whole
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๐Ÿ”กโœ… Multiple Choice Answers:

1. According to the article, what percentage of teenagers engaged in problematic social media use in 2022?
Answer: (c) 11%

2. Which age group was found to have the highest prevalence of problematic social media use?
Answer: (d) 13-year-olds

3. Who is more likely to report problematic social media use according to the study?
Answer: (b) Girls

4. What percentage of adolescents were found to maintain continuous online contact with friends throughout the day?
Answer: (c) Over a third

5. What were some addiction-like symptoms exhibited by teenagers falling into the problematic social media use category?
Answer: (b) Neglecting other activities

6. Which organization published the study on problematic social media use among teenagers?
Answer: (a) European arm of the World Health Organization

7. Who stressed the importance of immediate action to address the negative consequences of excessive social media use?
Answer: (d) Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge

8. What was emphasized as a necessity to promote healthy online behaviors among young individuals?
Answer: (a) Collective effort
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๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโœ… True or False Answers:

1. The research found that 9% of respondents engaged with social media in a concerning manner in 2022. (Answer: False)
2. Countries like England, Scotland, and Wales reported figures above the average concerning social media use. (Answer: True)
3. Tech companies have been urged to enhance privacy and parental control features on platforms like Instagram to protect children from harmful content. (Answer: True)
4. The study surveyed approximately 250,000 children aged 11, 13, and 15 across 40 countries. (Answer: False)
5. Over a third of adolescents were reported to maintain continuous online contact with friends throughout the day. (Answer: True)
6. The study emphasized the need for digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy online approach. (Answer: True)
7. Girls were found to be less likely to report problematic social media use compared to boys. (Answer: False)
8. The study indicated that problematic social media use is least prevalent among 13-year-olds. (Answer: False)
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