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English Professor

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Hollywood Actors Given Halloween Costume Rules Amid Strike

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Actors have been given strict rules about their Halloween costumes this year due to the ongoing Hollywood strike. The actors’ union, Sag-Aftra, has warned its members not to dress as characters from major shows and movies, as it would promote content made by the studios they are in dispute with. Instead, the union advises actors to choose costumes inspired by generalized characters like ghosts, zombies, or spiders. They can also dress as characters from content that does not fall under the strike rules, such as animated TV shows. The aim is to send a message to the studios that actors will not promote their content without a fair contract.

The actors’ strike, which has been ongoing for almost 100 days, has put a halt to most production in the industry. The dispute revolves around demands for increased pay, a share of streaming revenues, and protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence. The latest negotiations broke down last week, with studios stating that they were not moving in a positive direction. In an attempt to break the deadlock, a group of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, proposed that bigger earners should pay more in union fees. This suggestion could generate $50 million a year, bridging the gap between what the union is seeking and what the studios are willing to offer.

The union has expressed gratitude for the support and ideas offered by its successful members, but clarified that the proposal is not related to the present contract or collective bargaining. They also stated that the proposal is prohibited by federal labor law and does not address the overall package. The strike will continue for “as long as it takes” until justice, fairness, and the value actors bring to the industry are recognized.

In related news, a similar strike by scriptwriters was resolved last month after 148 days. The outcome of the ongoing actors’ strike remains uncertain, but the Halloween costume rules serve as a reminder of the ongoing dispute and the determination of actors to fight for their rights.

Original news source: Striking actors given strict Halloween costume rules (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Have each group read the article and then summarize the main points in their own words. They can take turns presenting their summaries to the class.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Create a list of questions related to the article, such as “Do you think actors should be allowed to dress as characters from shows and movies during Halloween?” or “Do you support the demands of the actors’ union?” Have students discuss the questions in pairs or small groups, and then conduct a class-wide poll to see the different opinions.

– Word Association
Instructions: Write the words “Halloween costumes” on the board. Ask students to brainstorm and write down as many words or phrases related to this topic as they can think of in a set amount of time (e.g. 2 minutes). Then, have students share their responses and create a mind map on the board, connecting the different words and phrases.

– Sketch It
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a different scene or character from a major show or movie mentioned in the article (e.g. a scene from a popular TV show, or a famous movie character). Without using any words, one student must sketch the scene or character while the other student tries to guess what it is. After a set amount of time, have pairs switch roles.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: Ask students to imagine what might happen next in the ongoing actors’ strike. Have them write down their predictions individually. Then, put students into small groups to discuss and compare their predictions. Finally, have each group share their most interesting predictions with the class and discuss their reasoning behind them.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why has the actors’ union advised its members not to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween?
2. What types of costumes are actors allowed to wear according to the union’s guidelines?
3. How long has the actors’ strike been ongoing?
4. What are some of the demands of the actors’ union in the ongoing strike?
5. Why did the latest negotiations between the union and the studios break down?
6. What proposal was made by a group of A-list stars to break the deadlock in the negotiations?
7. How did the union respond to the proposal made by the A-list stars?
8. What does the union hope to achieve through the ongoing strike?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Actors have been given (1)______ rules about their Halloween (2)______ this year due to the ongoing Hollywood strike. The actors’ union, Sag-Aftra, has warned its members not to (3)______ as characters from major shows and movies, as it would promote (4)______ made by the studios they are in dispute with. Instead, the union advises actors to choose costumes inspired by generalized characters like ghosts, zombies, or spiders. They can also dress as characters from content that does not fall under the strike rules, such as animated TV shows. The aim is to send a (5)______ to the studios that actors will not (6)______ their content without a fair contract.

The actors’ strike, which has been ongoing for almost 100 days, has put a halt to most production in the industry. The dispute revolves around demands for increased pay, a (7)______ of streaming revenues, and (8)______ against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence. The latest negotiations broke down last week, with studios stating that they were not moving in a positive direction. In an attempt to break the deadlock, a (9)______ of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, proposed that bigger earners should pay more in union fees. This (10)______ could (11)______ $50 million a year, bridging the gap between what the union is seeking and what the studios are willing to offer.

The union has expressed gratitude for the support and ideas offered by its successful (12)______, but clarified that the proposal is not related to the present contract or collective bargaining. They also stated that the proposal is prohibited by federal labor law and does not address the overall (13)______. The strike will continue for “as long as it takes” until justice, fairness, and the value actors bring to the industry are recognized.

In related news, a (14)______ strike by scriptwriters was resolved last month after 148 days. The outcome of the (15)______ actors’ strike (16)______ uncertain, but the Halloween costume rules serve as a reminder of the ongoing dispute and the determination of actors to fight for their rights.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is the purpose of the actors’ union warning its members not to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween?
2. How would you feel if you were an actor and were not allowed to dress as a character from a show or movie you love for Halloween?
3. Do you think it is fair for actors to demand a share of streaming revenues? Why or why not?
4. How do you think the ongoing strike will affect the entertainment industry as a whole?
5. What is the significance of the proposal made by George Clooney and other A-list stars to have bigger earners pay more in union fees?
6. Do you think the proposal made by George Clooney and other A-list stars is a viable solution to the dispute? Why or why not?
7. How do you think the strike will impact the careers of actors involved in the dispute?
8. What are some potential consequences of the ongoing strike for the general public?
9. How do you think the use of artificial intelligence to replicate actors’ images and voices affects the industry?
10. How would you feel if your favorite TV show or movie was put on hold due to a strike?
11. Do you think the strike will ultimately be successful in achieving the actors’ demands? Why or why not?
12. How do you think the strike will affect the relationship between actors and the studios they work for?
13. What are some potential long-term effects of the strike on the entertainment industry?
14. Do you think the Halloween costume rules will effectively send a message to the studios? Why or why not?
15. How do you think the resolution of the scriptwriters’ strike will impact the ongoing actors’ strike?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. actors
2. Halloween
3. costumes
4. strike
5. studios
6. content
7. negotiations
8. industry

(a) Companies that produce movies and TV shows
(b) Performers in movies, TV shows, or plays
(c) Talks or discussions to reach an agreement
(d) A work stoppage by workers to protest
(e) Outfits worn for dress-up or disguise
(f) A holiday celebrated on October 31st
(g) The business of making movies and TV shows
(h) The material or subject matter of a creative work
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why have actors been given strict rules about their Halloween costumes this year?
(a) To encourage them to dress as characters from major shows and movies.
(b) To avoid promoting content made by the studios they are in dispute with.
(c) To show support for the ongoing Hollywood strike.
(d) To generate more revenue for the studios.

2. What kind of costumes are actors advised to choose?
(a) Costumes inspired by characters from major shows and movies.
(b) Costumes inspired by characters from animated TV shows.
(c) Costumes that promote the studios they are in dispute with.
(d) Costumes inspired by generalized characters like ghosts, zombies, or spiders.

3. How long has the actors’ strike been ongoing?
(a) Almost 100 days.
(b) 148 days.
(c) A few weeks.
(d) Over a year.

4. What are the main demands of the actors’ union during the strike?
(a) Decreased pay, a share of streaming revenues, and protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.
(b) Increased pay, no share of streaming revenues, and no protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.
(c) Increased pay, a share of streaming revenues, and protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.
(d) Decreased pay, no share of streaming revenues, and no protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.

5. Why did the latest negotiations break down?
(a) The actors’ union refused to negotiate further.
(b) Studios stated that they were not moving in a positive direction.
(c) The studios offered everything the actors’ union demanded.
(d) The actors’ union proposed a new contract.

6. What suggestion was proposed by a group of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, to break the deadlock?
(a) Bigger earners should pay more in union fees.
(b) Bigger earners should pay less in union fees.
(c) The studios should increase their offer.
(d) The studios should decrease their offer.

7. How much money could the suggestion proposed by A-list stars generate?
(a) $100 million a year.
(b) $10 million a year.
(c) $50 million a year.
(d) $1 million a year.

8. What does the actors’ union state about the proposal made by A-list stars?
(a) It is prohibited by federal labor law and does not address the overall package.
(b) It is a positive step towards resolving the strike.
(c) It is unnecessary and will not help the actors’ cause.
(d) It is not related to the present contract or collective bargaining.

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True or False Questions:

1. A group of Z-list stars, led by George Clooney, proposed that smaller earners should pay more in union fees to bridge the gap between what the union is seeking and what the studios are willing to offer.
2. The latest negotiations between the union and the studios broke down last week, with studios stating that they were not moving in a positive direction.
3. The actors’ strike has been ongoing for almost 100 days and has halted most production in the industry.
4. The union has expressed dissatisfaction with the support and ideas offered by its successful members, and clarified that the proposal is related to the present contract or collective bargaining.
5. The aim of the Halloween costume rules is to send a message to the studios that actors will not promote their content without a fair contract.
6. The actors’ union, Sag-Aftra, has advised its members to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween despite the ongoing strike.
7. The strike will continue until justice, fairness, and the value actors bring to the industry are recognized, and the outcome remains uncertain.
8. The dispute revolves around demands for decreased pay, no share of streaming revenues, and no protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. Why has the actors’ union advised its members not to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween?
2. What are some examples of costumes that actors can choose from that do not promote content made by the studios they are in dispute with?
3. What are some of the demands of the actors’ union in the ongoing strike?
4. What proposal has been suggested by a group of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, to break the deadlock in negotiations?
5. How does the actors’ union plan to continue the strike until their demands are met?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. The actors’ union has advised its members not to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween because it would promote content made by the studios they are in dispute with.
2. According to the union’s guidelines, actors are allowed to wear costumes inspired by generalized characters like ghosts, zombies, or spiders. They can also dress as characters from content that does not fall under the strike rules, such as animated TV shows.
3. The actors’ strike has been ongoing for almost 100 days.
4. Some of the demands of the actors’ union in the ongoing strike include increased pay, a share of streaming revenues, and protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.
5. The latest negotiations between the union and the studios broke down because the studios stated that they were not moving in a positive direction.
6. A group of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, proposed that bigger earners should pay more in union fees to bridge the gap between what the union is seeking and what the studios are willing to offer.
7. The union expressed gratitude for the support and ideas offered by its successful members, but clarified that the proposal is not related to the present contract or collective bargaining. They also stated that the proposal is prohibited by federal labor law and does not address the overall package.
8. The union hopes to achieve justice, fairness, and recognition of the value actors bring to the industry through the ongoing strike.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) strict
(2) costumes
(3) dress
(4) content
(5) message
(6) promote
(7) share
(8) protection
(9) group
(10) suggestion
(11) generate
(12) members
(13) package
(14) similar
(15) ongoing
(16) remains
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. actors
Answer: (b) Performers in movies, TV shows, or plays

2. Halloween
Answer: (f) A holiday celebrated on October 31st

3. costumes
Answer: (e) Outfits worn for dress-up or disguise

4. strike
Answer: (d) A work stoppage by workers to protest

5. studios
Answer: (a) Companies that produce movies and TV shows

6. content
Answer: (h) The material or subject matter of a creative work

7. negotiations
Answer: (c) Talks or discussions to reach an agreement

8. industry
Answer: (g) The business of making movies and TV shows
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Why have actors been given strict rules about their Halloween costumes this year?
Answer: (b) To avoid promoting content made by the studios they are in dispute with.

2. What kind of costumes are actors advised to choose?
Answer: (d) Costumes inspired by generalized characters like ghosts, zombies, or spiders.

3. How long has the actors’ strike been ongoing?
Answer: (a) Almost 100 days.

4. What are the main demands of the actors’ union during the strike?
Answer: (c) Increased pay, a share of streaming revenues, and protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence.

5. Why did the latest negotiations break down?
Answer: (b) Studios stated that they were not moving in a positive direction.

6. What suggestion was proposed by a group of A-list stars, led by George Clooney, to break the deadlock?
Answer: (a) Bigger earners should pay more in union fees.

7. How much money could the suggestion proposed by A-list stars generate?
Answer: (c) $50 million a year.

8. What does the actors’ union state about the proposal made by A-list stars?
Answer: (d) It is not related to the present contract or collective bargaining.
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True or False Answers:

1. A group of Z-list stars, led by George Clooney, proposed that smaller earners should pay more in union fees to bridge the gap between what the union is seeking and what the studios are willing to offer. (Answer: False)
2. The latest negotiations between the union and the studios broke down last week, with studios stating that they were not moving in a positive direction. (Answer: True)
3. The actors’ strike has been ongoing for almost 100 days and has halted most production in the industry. (Answer: True)
4. The union has expressed dissatisfaction with the support and ideas offered by its successful members, and clarified that the proposal is related to the present contract or collective bargaining. (Answer: False)
5. The aim of the Halloween costume rules is to send a message to the studios that actors will not promote their content without a fair contract. (Answer: True)
6. The actors’ union, Sag-Aftra, has advised its members to dress as characters from major shows and movies for Halloween despite the ongoing strike. (Answer: False)
7. The strike will continue until justice, fairness, and the value actors bring to the industry are recognized, and the outcome remains uncertain. (Answer: True)
8. The dispute revolves around demands for decreased pay, no share of streaming revenues, and no protection against the replication of actors’ images and voices by artificial intelligence. (Answer: False)
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