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English Professor

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Seventeen: K-pop Boyband Makes History at Glastonbury

Seventeen, a K-pop boyband with 13 members, is set to make history at Glastonbury, breaking barriers for the genre in the UK.

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Seventeen, a K-pop boyband with 13 members, is set to make history as the first K-pop act to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. Despite K-pop’s global success, the UK has been hesitant to embrace the genre. However, collaborations with Western artists have helped K-pop bands gain popularity in the UK. Seventeen stands out from other K-pop acts as they write and produce their own music and do not rely on collaborations. The band’s musical mastermind, Woozi, has co-written and produced the majority of their songs. Seventeen’s performance at Glastonbury comes at a time when the festival is diversifying its lineup to reflect evolving listening habits.

Seventeen’s journey to success started in the basement of South Korean entertainment company Pledis, where members were selected, coached, and pruned over a grueling apprenticeship. The band’s debut was delayed, but during this time, Woozi inspired the other members to take an interest in making their own music. Seventeen finally made their debut in 2015 and have since released a variety of music, ranging from frothy pop to broody EDM. Their latest mini-album, FML, was the biggest-selling record of 2023.

Seventeen’s success has not come without challenges. The band has faced injuries from their physically demanding choreography, but they remain dedicated to their craft. Their music reflects their honest and open discussions about their feelings, helping them overcome negativity. The band’s recent singles, FML and Super, showcase their growth and internal strength. Seventeen’s popularity continues to grow, and they have plans to expand their audience further with a world tour at the end of the year.

Seventeen’s performance at Glastonbury is a significant milestone for K-pop in the UK, and the band hopes to reach fans in as many countries as possible. They believe they still have a long way to go and aspire to become even more successful in the future.

Original news source: Seventeen: The K-pop band about to make history at UK festival (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1hesitantUncertain or reluctant to take action
2collaborationsWorking together with others to create something
3mastermindA person with outstanding talent or intelligence who directs or plans
4diversifyingMaking something more varied or diverse
5evolvingGradually developing or changing over time
6apprenticeshipA period of training under a skilled professional
7gruelingExtremely tiring and demanding
8frothyLight and entertaining, often superficial
9broodyDeeply thoughtful and serious
10choreographyThe art of designing and arranging dance movements
11dedicatedCommitted to a task or purpose
12negativityThe presence of pessimism or criticism
13showcaseTo display or exhibit something prominently
14milestoneA significant event or achievement marking progress
15aspireTo have a strong desire to achieve something

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs, students will read the article and write a summary of the key points. They should aim to condense the information into a few sentences while still capturing the main ideas.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: In small groups, students will discuss their opinions on K-pop and its global success. They should share their thoughts on why K-pop has gained popularity and whether they think it will continue to grow in the future. Each group will then present their opinions to the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: In pairs, students will choose 5-10 vocabulary words from the article and take turns drawing them while their partner tries to guess the word. The words should be related to the topic of K-pop and the band Seventeen.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: In small groups, students will discuss the pros and cons of collaborating with Western artists for K-pop bands. They should consider the benefits and drawbacks of these collaborations, and how they have affected the popularity of K-pop in different countries. Each group will then present their findings to the class.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: In pairs, students will discuss and make predictions about the future of K-pop and the band Seventeen. They should consider factors such as changing music trends, global events, and the band’s own aspirations. Each pair will then share their predictions with the class and explain their reasoning.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. How has collaborations with Western artists helped K-pop bands gain popularity in the UK?
2. What sets Seventeen apart from other K-pop acts?
3. Who is the musical mastermind behind Seventeen?
4. How did Seventeen’s journey to success begin?
5. What types of music has Seventeen released?
6. What challenges has Seventeen faced in their career?
7. How do Seventeen’s recent singles reflect their growth and internal strength?
8. What are Seventeen’s future plans to expand their audience?
Go to answers ⇩

🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Seventeen, a K-pop (1)______ with 13 members, is set to make history as the (2)______ K-pop act to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. Despite K-pop’s global success, the UK has been hesitant to embrace the genre. However, collaborations with Western artists have helped K-pop (3)______ gain (4)______ in the UK. Seventeen stands out from other K-pop acts as they write and produce their own music and do not rely on collaborations. The band’s musical mastermind, Woozi, has co-written and produced the majority of their songs. Seventeen’s performance at Glastonbury comes at a time when the festival is diversifying its lineup to reflect evolving listening habits.

Seventeen’s (5)______ to success started in the basement of South Korean entertainment company (6)______, where members were selected, coached, and pruned over a grueling apprenticeship. The band’s debut was delayed, but during this time, (7)______ inspired the other members to take an interest in (8)______ their own (9)______. Seventeen finally made their debut in 2015 and have since released a variety of music, ranging from frothy pop to broody EDM. Their latest mini-album, FML, was the biggest-selling record of 2023.

Seventeen’s success has not come without challenges. The band has faced (10)______ from their physically (11)______ choreography, but they remain dedicated to their craft. Their music reflects their honest and open (12)______ about their feelings, helping them overcome negativity. The band’s recent singles, FML and Super, showcase their (13)______ and (14)______ strength. Seventeen’s popularity (15)______ to grow, and they have plans to expand their audience further with a world tour at the end of the year.

Seventeen’s performance at Glastonbury is a significant milestone for K-pop in the UK, and the band hopes to reach fans in as many (16)______ as possible. They believe they still have a long way to go and aspire to become even more successful in the future.
Go to answers ⇩

💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is K-pop and why do you think it has gained global success?
2. How would you feel if your favorite music genre was not embraced in your country?
3. Do you like K-pop? Why or why not?
4. Do you think collaborations with Western artists help K-pop bands gain popularity in other countries? Why or why not?
5. What is the significance of Seventeen being the first K-pop act to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage?
6. How do you think Seventeen’s ability to write and produce their own music sets them apart from other K-pop acts?
7. What challenges do you think K-pop bands face in terms of their physically demanding choreography?
8. How do you think Seventeen’s honest and open discussions about their feelings in their music help them overcome negativity?
9. Do you think it is important for musicians to be involved in the writing and production of their own music? Why or why not?
10. How do you think Seventeen’s performance at Glastonbury will impact their popularity and success?
11. Have you ever been inspired by someone to pursue a particular interest or passion? If so, how did it affect your journey?
12. How do you think Seventeen’s music has evolved since their debut in 2015?
13. Do you think it is necessary for musicians to face challenges in order to grow and succeed in their careers? Why or why not?
14. How do you think a world tour can help Seventeen expand their audience?
15. What do you think it takes for a music act to become successful on a global scale?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. hesitant
2. collaborations
3. mastermind
4. diversifying
5. evolving
6. apprenticeship
7. grueling
8. frothy
9. broody
10. choreography
11. dedicated
12. negativity
13. showcase
14. milestone
15. aspire

(A) The art of designing and arranging dance movements
(B) To display or exhibit something prominently
(C) The presence of pessimism or criticism
(D) A significant event or achievement marking progress
(E) Working together with others to create something
(F) A period of training under a skilled professional
(G) Making something more varied or diverse
(H) To have a strong desire to achieve something
(I) Extremely tiring and demanding
(J) Deeply thoughtful and serious
(K) Uncertain or reluctant to take action
(L) A person with outstanding talent or intelligence who directs or plans
(M) Committed to a task or purpose
(N) Gradually developing or changing over time
(O) Light and entertaining, often superficial
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. How many members are in the K-pop boyband Seventeen?
(a) 7
(b) 17
(c) 13
(d) 8

2. What is the name of the band’s musical mastermind?
(a) Pledis
(b) Glastonbury
(c) Woozi
(d) FML

3. What is the title of Seventeen’s latest mini-album?
(a) Super
(b) FML
(c) Glastonbury
(d) Broody EDM

4. What is the biggest-selling record of 2023?
(a) FML
(b) Super
(c) Glastonbury
(d) Seventeen’s debut album

5. What has helped K-pop bands gain popularity in the UK?
(a) Frothy pop music
(b) Collaborations with Western artists
(c) Physically demanding choreography
(d) A world tour

6. What festival is Seventeen set to perform at?
(a) Coachella
(b) Lollapalooza
(c) Bonnaroo
(d) Glastonbury

7. What is Seventeen’s approach to their music?
(a) They write and produce their own music
(b) They rely heavily on collaborations
(c) They only perform EDM music
(d) They have a large number of members

8. What are Seventeen’s plans for the future?
(a) To retire from the music industry
(b) To collaborate with more Western artists
(c) To focus on their physically demanding choreography
(d) To expand their audience with a world tour

Go to answers ⇩

🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Seventeen blends in with other K-pop acts as they write and produce their own music.
2. Seventeen’s popularity continues to grow, and they have plans for a world tour at the end of the year.
3. Seventeen’s debut was delayed, but they finally made their debut in 2015.
4. They are not set to make history as the first K-pop act to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage.
5. Seventeen’s latest mini-album, FML, was the smallest-selling record of 2023.
6. The UK has been enthusiastic to embrace the genre of K-pop.
7. Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 13 members.
8. Woozi, a member of Seventeen, has co-written and produced the majority of their songs.
Go to answers ⇩

📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What makes Seventeen stand out from other K-pop acts?
2. How did Seventeen’s journey to success begin?
3. What challenges has Seventeen faced in their career?
4. What themes do Seventeen’s music often touch upon?
5. What are Seventeen’s plans for the future?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Collaborations with Western artists have helped K-pop bands gain popularity in the UK by exposing them to a wider audience and introducing them to new fans who may not have been familiar with K-pop before.
2. What sets Seventeen apart from other K-pop acts is that they write and produce their own music and do not rely on collaborations.
3. The musical mastermind behind Seventeen is Woozi.
4. Seventeen’s journey to success began in the basement of South Korean entertainment company Pledis, where members were selected, coached, and pruned over a grueling apprenticeship.
5. Seventeen has released a variety of music, ranging from frothy pop to broody EDM.
6. Some challenges that Seventeen has faced in their career include injuries from their physically demanding choreography.
7. Seventeen’s recent singles, FML and Super, reflect their growth and internal strength by showcasing their honest and open discussions about their feelings.
8. Seventeen’s future plans to expand their audience include a world tour at the end of the year.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) boyband
(2) first
(3) bands
(4) popularity
(5) journey
(6) Pledis
(7) Woozi
(8) making
(9) music
(10) injuries
(11) demanding
(12) discussions
(13) growth
(14) internal
(15) continues
(16) countries
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. hesitant
Answer: (K) Uncertain or reluctant to take action

2. collaborations
Answer: (E) Working together with others to create something

3. mastermind
Answer: (L) A person with outstanding talent or intelligence who directs or plans

4. diversifying
Answer: (G) Making something more varied or diverse

5. evolving
Answer: (N) Gradually developing or changing over time

6. apprenticeship
Answer: (F) A period of training under a skilled professional

7. grueling
Answer: (I) Extremely tiring and demanding

8. frothy
Answer: (O) Light and entertaining, often superficial

9. broody
Answer: (J) Deeply thoughtful and serious

10. choreography
Answer: (A) The art of designing and arranging dance movements

11. dedicated
Answer: (M) Committed to a task or purpose

12. negativity
Answer: (C) The presence of pessimism or criticism

13. showcase
Answer: (B) To display or exhibit something prominently

14. milestone
Answer: (D) A significant event or achievement marking progress

15. aspire
Answer: (H) To have a strong desire to achieve something
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. How many members are in the K-pop boyband Seventeen?
Answer: (c) 13

2. What is the name of the band’s musical mastermind?
Answer: (c) Woozi

3. What is the title of Seventeen’s latest mini-album?
Answer: (b) FML

4. What is the biggest-selling record of 2023?
Answer: (a) FML

5. What has helped K-pop bands gain popularity in the UK?
Answer: (b) Collaborations with Western artists

6. What festival is Seventeen set to perform at?
Answer: (d) Glastonbury

7. What is Seventeen’s approach to their music?
Answer: (a) They write and produce their own music

8. What are Seventeen’s plans for the future?
Answer: (d) To expand their audience with a world tour
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Seventeen blends in with other K-pop acts as they write and produce their own music. (Answer: False)
2. Seventeen’s popularity continues to grow, and they have plans for a world tour at the end of the year. (Answer: True)
3. Seventeen’s debut was delayed, but they finally made their debut in 2015. (Answer: True)
4. They are not set to make history as the first K-pop act to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. (Answer: False)
5. Seventeen’s latest mini-album, FML, was the smallest-selling record of 2023. (Answer: False)
6. The UK has been enthusiastic to embrace the genre of K-pop. (Answer: False)
7. Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 13 members. (Answer: True)
8. Woozi, a member of Seventeen, has co-written and produced the majority of their songs. (Answer: True)
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