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English Professor

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Famous Writers Upset with OpenAI for Using Their Books


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Famous writers George RR Martin and John Grisham are taking OpenAI, the company that owns ChatGPT, to court. They say that OpenAI used their books to make ChatGPT smarter without asking them first. Other well-known writers are also part of this legal fight. OpenAI says it respects writers and thinks they should benefit from AI technology. The Authors Guild, a group that supports writers, has taken this case to a big court in Manhattan.

The writers say that ChatGPT used information from their books that are protected by copyright laws, without their permission. This makes them worry about AI replacing human writers. But, some legal experts think it might be hard for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work. They think the writers are more worried about AI taking their jobs than about copyright issues. This case is part of a bigger discussion about how AI affects creative jobs like writing.

OpenAI is talking with different creators, including the Authors Guild, to try and fix their worries about AI. The company is hopeful about finding ways to work together that are good for everyone. But, it’s still not clear what will happen with this case and other similar ones about AI and copyright issues.

Original news source: Game of Thrones author sues ChatGPT owner OpenAI (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Word Association
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a few minutes to brainstorm words or ideas related to the article. One person starts by saying a word, and then the next person in the group has to quickly say a word that is associated with it. They continue going back and forth, trying to come up with as many associations as possible within a set time limit.

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs or small groups, have the students take turns summarizing the main points of the article. Encourage them to use their own words and keep their summaries concise. After each summary, the other students can provide feedback or ask questions for clarification.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Have the students individually write down their opinion on the topic of AI and copyright issues, based on the article. Then, have them pair up and share their opinions with each other. After the discussion, collect a show of hands to see how many students agree or disagree with certain viewpoints. Discuss the results as a class and encourage respectful debate.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Divide the class into two groups. Assign one group to list the pros of AI technology in relation to creative jobs like writing, and assign the other group to list the cons. Give them a few minutes to brainstorm and then have them share their lists with the class. Encourage them to explain their reasoning and engage in a class discussion about the different perspectives.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Have the students individually think about three questions related to the article. For example, “How do you think AI will impact the future of writing?” or “What are your concerns about AI technology?” After a few minutes, have them pair up and take turns discussing their questions with each other. Finally, ask a few pairs to share their thoughts with the whole class.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why are George RR Martin and John Grisham taking OpenAI to court?
2. What is ChatGPT and how did OpenAI use it?
3. Why are the writers worried about AI replacing human writers?
4. What does the Authors Guild do?
5. Why do some legal experts think it might be hard for the writers to prove their case?
6. What is the bigger discussion about AI and creative jobs like writing?
7. What is OpenAI doing to address the writers’ worries about AI?
Go to answers ⇩

Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Famous writers George RR Martin and (1)______ Grisham are taking OpenAI, the company that owns (2)______, to court. They say that OpenAI used their books to make ChatGPT smarter without asking them first. Other well-known writers are also part of this legal (3)______. OpenAI says it respects writers and thinks they should benefit from AI (4)______. The Authors (5)______, a group that supports writers, has taken this case to a big court in Manhattan.

The writers say that ChatGPT used information from their books that are protected by copyright laws, without their permission. This (6)______ them worry about AI replacing human writers. But, some (7)______ experts think it might be hard for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work. They think the writers are more worried about AI taking their jobs than about copyright issues. This (8)______ is (9)______ of a bigger discussion about how AI affects creative jobs like writing.

OpenAI is talking with different creators, including the Authors Guild, to try and fix their worries about AI. The (10)______ is (11)______ about finding ways to work together that are good for everyone. But, it’s still not clear what will (12)______ with this case and other similar ones about AI and copyright issues.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is ChatGPT and why are George RR Martin and John Grisham taking OpenAI to court?
2. How would you feel if someone used your work without asking for permission?
3. Do you think writers should benefit from AI technology? Why or why not?
4. What are copyright laws and why are they important?
5. How do you think AI could replace human writers?
6. Do you think it’s easy for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work? Why or why not?
7. Why do you think the writers are more worried about AI taking their jobs than copyright issues?
8. How do you think AI affects creative jobs like writing?
9. What do you think OpenAI should do to fix the worries about AI and copyright issues?
10. Do you think it’s possible for creators and AI companies to work together in a way that benefits everyone? Why or why not?
11. How do you think this case and similar ones about AI and copyright issues will be resolved?
12. Have you ever used AI technology? If so, how did it make you feel?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. writers
2. OpenAI
3. books
4. copyright
5. permission
6. AI
7. jobs
8. case

(a) People who create stories and novels
(b) A company that owns ChatGPT
(c) Artificial intelligence that can think and learn
(d) Approval to use something
(e) Work that people do to earn money
(f) A legal situation brought to court for judgment
(g) Stories or novels made of paper
(h) The legal protection of creative work
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who are the famous writers taking OpenAI to court?
(a) J.K. Rowling and Stephen King
(b) Jane Austen and Mark Twain
(c) George RR Martin and John Grisham
(d) William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens

2. What is the name of the company that owns ChatGPT?
(a) Google
(b) Microsoft
(c) OpenAI
(d) Amazon

3. Why are the writers taking OpenAI to court?
(a) OpenAI stole their computers.
(b) OpenAI used their books without permission.
(c) OpenAI didn’t pay them for their books.
(d) OpenAI created a new book for them.

4. What is the Authors Guild?
(a) A company that owns ChatGPT.
(b) A court in Manhattan.
(c) A bookstore in New York.
(d) A group that supports writers.

5. What are the writers worried about?
(a) AI replacing human writers.
(b) AI taking their jobs.
(c) AI stealing their books.
(d) AI becoming smarter than humans.

6. What do some legal experts think about the case?
(a) It might be hard for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work.
(b) The writers will definitely win the case.
(c) The case will be thrown out of court.
(d) The writers are not worried about AI taking their jobs.

7. What is OpenAI doing to address the writers’ concerns?
(a) Ignoring the writers’ complaints.
(b) Talking with different creators to find solutions.
(c) Creating more AI technology.
(d) Hiring more writers.

8. What is the outcome of the case still uncertain?
(a) The writers have already won.
(b) OpenAI has agreed to stop using their books.
(c) The court has dismissed the case.
(d) It’s still not clear what will happen.

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True or False Questions:

1. No other well-known writers are involved in this legal battle against OpenAI.
2. The writers argue that ChatGPT adhered to copyright laws by obtaining permission to use their protected book information.
3. The Authors Guild, a group that supports writers, has taken the case to a court in Manhattan.
4. According to these experts, the writers are equally concerned about copyright issues as they are about AI taking their jobs.
5. Famous writers George RR Martin and John Grisham are suing OpenAI for using their books without permission.
6. OpenAI is in discussions with the Authors Guild and other creators to address concerns about AI and find mutually beneficial solutions.
7. Some legal experts believe it may be difficult for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work.
8. The writers claim that ChatGPT, an AI technology owned by OpenAI, did not use their books to become smarter.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. Who is taking OpenAI to court?
2. Why are the writers upset with OpenAI?
3. What does OpenAI say about writers and AI technology?
4. What is the Authors Guild?
5. What are some legal experts saying about the case?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Why are George RR Martin and John Grisham taking OpenAI to court?
They are taking OpenAI to court because they believe OpenAI used their books to make ChatGPT smarter without asking for permission.

2. What is ChatGPT and how did OpenAI use it?
ChatGPT is a technology developed by OpenAI that uses artificial intelligence to generate text. OpenAI used information from the books written by George RR Martin and John Grisham to improve ChatGPT’s abilities.

3. Why are the writers worried about AI replacing human writers?
The writers are worried that AI technology like ChatGPT might be able to do the same work as human writers, which could lead to fewer job opportunities for them.

4. What does the Authors Guild do?
The Authors Guild is a group that supports writers. They help protect the rights of writers and advocate for fair treatment and compensation in the publishing industry.

5. Why do some legal experts think it might be hard for the writers to prove their case?
Some legal experts think it might be hard for the writers to prove their case because they need to show that ChatGPT directly copied their work, which can be difficult to prove with AI technology.

6. What is the bigger discussion about AI and creative jobs like writing?
The bigger discussion is about how AI technology, like ChatGPT, is affecting creative jobs like writing. People are discussing the potential impact of AI on the future of these professions and how to ensure fair treatment and compensation for human creators.

7. What is OpenAI doing to address the writers’ worries about AI?
OpenAI is having conversations with different creators and organizations, including the Authors Guild, to address the concerns about AI. They are trying to find ways to work together that benefit both the writers and the development of AI technology.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) John
(2) ChatGPT
(3) fight
(4) technology
(5) Guild
(6) makes
(7) legal
(8) case
(9) part
(10) company
(11) hopeful
(12) happen
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. writers
Answer: (a) People who create stories and novels

2. OpenAI
Answer: (b) A company that owns ChatGPT

3. books
Answer: (g) Stories or novels made of paper

4. copyright
Answer: (h) The legal protection of creative work

5. permission
Answer: (d) Approval to use something

6. AI
Answer: (c) Artificial intelligence that can think and learn

7. jobs
Answer: (e) Work that people do to earn money

8. case
Answer: (f) A legal situation brought to court for judgment
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Who are the famous writers taking OpenAI to court?
Answer: (c) George RR Martin and John Grisham

2. What is the name of the company that owns ChatGPT?
Answer: (c) OpenAI

3. Why are the writers taking OpenAI to court?
Answer: (b) OpenAI used their books without permission.

4. What is the Authors Guild?
Answer: (d) A group that supports writers.

5. What are the writers worried about?
Answer: (a) AI replacing human writers.

6. What do some legal experts think about the case?
Answer: (a) It might be hard for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work.

7. What is OpenAI doing to address the writers’ concerns?
Answer: (b) Talking with different creators to find solutions.

8. What is the outcome of the case still uncertain?
Answer: (d) It’s still not clear what will happen.
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True or False Answers:

1. No other well-known writers are involved in this legal battle against OpenAI. (Answer: False)
2. The writers argue that ChatGPT adhered to copyright laws by obtaining permission to use their protected book information. (Answer: False)
3. The Authors Guild, a group that supports writers, has taken the case to a court in Manhattan. (Answer: True)
4. According to these experts, the writers are equally concerned about copyright issues as they are about AI taking their jobs. (Answer: False)
5. Famous writers George RR Martin and John Grisham are suing OpenAI for using their books without permission. (Answer: True)
6. OpenAI is in discussions with the Authors Guild and other creators to address concerns about AI and find mutually beneficial solutions. (Answer: True)
7. Some legal experts believe it may be difficult for the writers to prove that ChatGPT copied their work. (Answer: True)
8. The writers claim that ChatGPT, an AI technology owned by OpenAI, did not use their books to become smarter. (Answer: False)
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