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Coalition for Trusted Reviews: Combating Fake Online Reviews


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Big online companies like Amazon, Expedia, and Trustpilot are teaming up to fight against fake reviews. They formed a group called the Coalition for Trusted Reviews. Their goal is to share information and strategies to stop people from writing fake reviews. Fake reviews can hurt a company’s reputation and trick people into buying bad products or services. A recent report said that fake reviews in the UK could cost consumers £312 million every year. The government wants to fix this problem with a new law, and the US Federal Trade Commission is thinking about doing the same. People are worried that as AI technology gets better, it will be easier for fraudsters to make fake reviews that look real. The Coalition for Trusted Reviews will fight against this by setting rules for everyone in the industry, sharing the best ways to stop fake reviews, and telling each other about companies that sell or use fake reviews. Dharmesh Mehta, who works for Amazon, said that everyone needs to work together to stop fake reviews and protect consumers. Tripadvisor, a website where people can book trips, found 1.3 million fake reviews on their site in 2022. They also said that it’s important for everyone to work together to solve this problem.

Original news source: Amazon, Expedia and Trustpilot unite to fight fake reviews (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Discussion Circle
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a few discussion questions related to the article, such as “What are the potential consequences of fake reviews for consumers?” or “How can AI technology be used to combat fake reviews?” Each group should discuss the questions and then share their thoughts with the whole class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write 10 vocabulary words from the article on the board. Divide the class into teams. Each team takes turns choosing a word and drawing it on the board without using any letters or numbers. The other teams must guess the word based on the drawing. The team that guesses correctly gets a point.

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs, students take turns summarizing the main points of the article to their partner. Encourage them to use their own words and only include the most important information. After both partners have shared their summaries, they can compare and discuss any differences or similarities.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Divide the class into two groups. One group will discuss the pros of fake reviews, while the other group will discuss the cons. Give students a few minutes to brainstorm their ideas and then have a class debate, with each group presenting their arguments. Encourage students to support their opinions with evidence from the article or their own experiences.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: In small groups, students discuss and make predictions about the future of online reviews and fake reviews. They can consider questions like “Will fake reviews become more or less common in the future?” or “How might technology advancements impact the authenticity of online reviews?” After the discussion, each group presents their predictions to the whole class.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who has formed a group called the Coalition for Trusted Reviews?
2. Why are big online companies teaming up to fight against fake reviews?
3. How much money could fake reviews cost consumers in the UK every year?
4. What are some concerns about AI technology and fake reviews?
5. How will the Coalition for Trusted Reviews fight against fake reviews?
6. What did Tripadvisor discover about fake reviews on their site in 2022?
7. Why is it important for everyone to work together to solve the problem of fake reviews?
8. What does Dharmesh Mehta, who works for Amazon, believe is necessary to stop fake reviews and protect consumers?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Big online companies like (1)______, (2)______, and Trustpilot are teaming up to fight against fake reviews. They formed a (3)______ called the Coalition for Trusted Reviews. Their goal is to share information and strategies to stop (4)______ from writing fake reviews. Fake reviews can hurt a company’s reputation and trick people into buying bad products or services. A (5)______ report said that fake reviews in the UK could cost consumers £312 million every year. The government (6)______ to fix this (7)______ with a new law, and the US Federal (8)______ Commission is thinking about doing the same. People are worried that as AI technology gets better, it will be easier for fraudsters to make fake reviews that look real. The Coalition for Trusted (9)______ will fight against this by setting rules for everyone in the industry, (10)______ the best ways to stop fake reviews, and (11)______ each (12)______ about companies that sell or use fake reviews. Dharmesh Mehta, who (13)______ for Amazon, said that everyone needs to work together to stop fake reviews and (14)______ consumers. Tripadvisor, a (15)______ where people can book trips, found 1.3 million fake reviews on their site in 2022. They also said that it’s (16)______ for everyone to work together to solve this problem.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What are fake reviews and why are they a problem?
2. Have you ever read a fake review? How did it make you feel?
3. Do you think fake reviews are a big issue in your country? Why or why not?
4. How would you feel if you bought a product based on a fake review and it turned out to be bad?
5. Do you think it’s fair for companies to team up to fight against fake reviews? Why or why not?
6. Have you ever written a review for a product or service? Why or why not?
7. What do you think is the best way to stop fake reviews from being written?
8. Do you trust online reviews when making purchasing decisions? Why or why not?
9. How do you think AI technology can be used to create fake reviews?
10. Do you think the government should make laws to prevent fake reviews? Why or why not?
11. Have you ever been tricked into buying something because of a fake review? How did it make you feel?
12. What can consumers do to protect themselves from fake reviews?
13. How important do you think online reviews are for businesses? Why or why not?
14. Have you ever used Trustpilot or a similar website to read reviews? Did you find them helpful?
15. What do you think will happen in the future with fake reviews as technology continues to advance? Why?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. online
2. companies
3. fake
4. reviews
5. reputation
6. trick
7. products
8. services

(a) Things that are made or manufactured
(b) Opinions or evaluations of something
(c) The way people think about or perceive something
(d) Deceive or fool someone
(e) Businesses or organizations
(f) Not real or genuine
(g) Actions or tasks provided to meet a need
(h) Something that happens on the internet
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the group formed by big online companies to fight against fake reviews?
(a) Group for Online Companies
(b) Coalition for Trusted Reviews
(c) Trustworthy Review Alliance
(d) Online Fraud Prevention Society

2. Why are fake reviews a problem for companies?
(a) They can increase sales
(b) They can improve customer trust
(c) They can lead to better products
(d) They can damage a company’s reputation

3. How much money could fake reviews cost consumers in the UK every year?
(a) £100 million
(b) £500 million
(c) £312 million
(d) £1 billion

4. What does the government want to do to address the issue of fake reviews?
(a) Increase online advertising
(b) Create a fake review detection software
(c) Introduce a new law
(d) Provide financial compensation to affected consumers

5. What is a concern regarding AI technology and fake reviews?
(a) It will make it easier for fraudsters to create realistic fake reviews
(b) It will eliminate the problem of fake reviews entirely
(c) It will make it harder for consumers to identify fake reviews
(d) It will lead to an increase in genuine reviews

6. How does the Coalition for Trusted Reviews plan to fight against fake reviews?
(a) By setting industry rules and sharing best practices
(b) By suing companies that use fake reviews
(c) By creating a fake review detection algorithm
(d) By offering rewards for reporting fake reviews

7. Which website found 1.3 million fake reviews on their site in 2022?
(a) Expedia
(b) Trustpilot
(c) Amazon
(d) Tripadvisor

8. What is the importance of collaboration in addressing the issue of fake reviews?
(a) It increases competition among online companies
(b) It allows for the sharing of information and strategies
(c) It ensures the success of AI technology in detecting fake reviews
(d) It reduces the need for government intervention

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True or False Questions:

1. A recent report estimated that fake reviews in the UK could cost consumers £312 million annually.
2. Concerns are rising that as AI technology improves, it will become easier for fraudsters to create fake reviews that appear genuine.
3. The Association for Unreliable Reviews aims to disregard industry-wide rules, promote effective methods to encourage fake reviews, and protect companies that sell or use fake reviews.
4. The government in the UK is not considering implementing a new law to address this issue, and the US Federal Trade Commission is not contemplating similar actions.
5. They formed a group called the Association for Unreliable Reviews to share information and strategies.
6. Big online companies like Amazon, Expedia, and Trustpilot have joined forces to combat fake reviews.
7. Dharmesh Mehta, an Amazon employee, emphasized the importance of collective efforts to combat fake reviews and safeguard consumers.
8. Authentic reviews can enhance a company’s reputation and help people make informed decisions about purchasing superior products or services.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the goal of the Coalition for Trusted Reviews?
2. Why are fake reviews a problem for companies?
3. How much money could fake reviews cost consumers in the UK every year?
4. Why are people worried about AI technology and fake reviews?
5. What are some of the things the Coalition for Trusted Reviews will do to fight against fake reviews?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who has formed a group called the Coalition for Trusted Reviews?
Big online companies like Amazon, Expedia, and Trustpilot.

2. Why are big online companies teaming up to fight against fake reviews?
To stop people from writing fake reviews that can hurt a company’s reputation and trick people into buying bad products or services.

3. How much money could fake reviews cost consumers in the UK every year?
A recent report said that fake reviews in the UK could cost consumers £312 million every year.

4. What are some concerns about AI technology and fake reviews?
As AI technology gets better, it may become easier for fraudsters to create fake reviews that look real.

5. How will the Coalition for Trusted Reviews fight against fake reviews?
The Coalition for Trusted Reviews will set rules for everyone in the industry, share the best ways to stop fake reviews, and inform each other about companies that sell or use fake reviews.

6. What did Tripadvisor discover about fake reviews on their site in 2022?
Tripadvisor found 1.3 million fake reviews on their site in 2022.

7. Why is it important for everyone to work together to solve the problem of fake reviews?
It is important for everyone to work together because fake reviews can harm consumers and damage the reputation of companies.

8. What does Dharmesh Mehta, who works for Amazon, believe is necessary to stop fake reviews and protect consumers?
Dharmesh Mehta believes that everyone needs to work together to stop fake reviews and protect consumers.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Amazon
(2) Expedia
(3) group
(4) people
(5) recent
(6) wants
(7) problem
(8) Trade
(9) Reviews
(10) sharing
(11) telling
(12) other
(13) works
(14) protect
(15) website
(16) important
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. online
Answer: (h) Something that happens on the internet

2. companies
Answer: (e) Businesses or organizations

3. fake
Answer: (f) Not real or genuine

4. reviews
Answer: (b) Opinions or evaluations of something

5. reputation
Answer: (c) The way people think about or perceive something

6. trick
Answer: (d) Deceive or fool someone

7. products
Answer: (a) Things that are made or manufactured

8. services
Answer: (g) Actions or tasks provided to meet a need
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the group formed by big online companies to fight against fake reviews?
Answer: (b) Coalition for Trusted Reviews

2. Why are fake reviews a problem for companies?
Answer: (d) They can damage a company’s reputation

3. How much money could fake reviews cost consumers in the UK every year?
Answer: (c) £312 million

4. What does the government want to do to address the issue of fake reviews?
Answer: (c) Introduce a new law

5. What is a concern regarding AI technology and fake reviews?
Answer: (a) It will make it easier for fraudsters to create realistic fake reviews

6. How does the Coalition for Trusted Reviews plan to fight against fake reviews?
Answer: (a) By setting industry rules and sharing best practices

7. Which website found 1.3 million fake reviews on their site in 2022?
Answer: (d) Tripadvisor

8. What is the importance of collaboration in addressing the issue of fake reviews?
Answer: (b) It allows for the sharing of information and strategies
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True or False Answers:

1. A recent report estimated that fake reviews in the UK could cost consumers £312 million annually. (Answer: True)
2. Concerns are rising that as AI technology improves, it will become easier for fraudsters to create fake reviews that appear genuine. (Answer: True)
3. The Association for Unreliable Reviews aims to disregard industry-wide rules, promote effective methods to encourage fake reviews, and protect companies that sell or use fake reviews. (Answer: False)
4. The government in the UK is not considering implementing a new law to address this issue, and the US Federal Trade Commission is not contemplating similar actions. (Answer: False)
5. They formed a group called the Association for Unreliable Reviews to share information and strategies. (Answer: False)
6. Big online companies like Amazon, Expedia, and Trustpilot have joined forces to combat fake reviews. (Answer: True)
7. Dharmesh Mehta, an Amazon employee, emphasized the importance of collective efforts to combat fake reviews and safeguard consumers. (Answer: True)
8. Authentic reviews can enhance a company’s reputation and help people make informed decisions about purchasing superior products or services. (Answer: False)
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