Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Digital Fame vs. Real-Life Success” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Understanding Digital Fame

1. What does it mean to be famous online?
2. Can you name someone who is famous on social media?
3. How do people become famous on the internet?
4. What are some benefits of being famous online?
5. Do you think online fame is real fame?

II. Real-Life Success

6. What does success mean to you in real life?
7. Can you give an example of someone you consider successful?
8. What qualities do successful people have?
9. How do you measure success in your life?
10. Do you think success is the same for everyone?

III. Comparing Digital Fame and Real-Life Success

11. How is digital fame different from real-life success?
12. Can someone be famous online but not successful in real life?
13. Which do you think is more important: digital fame or real-life success?
14. How can digital fame help someone achieve real-life success?
15. Do you think people care more about digital fame now than before?

IV. The Role of Social Media

16. How does social media influence our view of success?
17. What are some negative effects of social media fame?
18. How do influencers use social media to gain fame?
19. Can social media help people achieve their goals?
20. How do you feel about the pressure to be famous on social media?

V. Personal Experiences with Fame and Success

21. Do you know anyone who is famous online?
22. Have you ever wanted to be famous online?
23. What is your biggest achievement so far?
24. How do you celebrate your successes?
25. What advice would you give someone wanting to be successful?

VI. The Impact of Fame on Personal Life

26. How does being famous affect personal relationships?
27. Do you think famous people have a harder life?
28. How do you think fame changes a person’s character?
29. Can fame lead to loneliness?
30. What do you think is the biggest challenge for famous people?

VII. The Future of Fame and Success

31. How do you think fame will change in the future?
32. Will real-life success still matter in a digital world?
33. How can people balance digital fame and real-life success?
34. What skills do you think will be important for success in the future?
35. How do you think technology will affect fame and success?

VIII. The Role of Education in Success

36. How important is education for real-life success?
37. Can you be successful without a formal education?
38. What role does lifelong learning play in success?
39. How can education help someone gain digital fame?
40. What is the best way to learn skills for success today?

IX. Influences on Fame and Success

41. Who do you think influences our ideas of success?
42. How do family and friends affect your view of success?
43. What role do celebrities play in shaping our ideas of fame?
44. How does culture influence our perception of success?
45. Can social movements change what we see as success?

X. Personal Reflections on Fame and Success

46. What is your personal definition of success?
47. How do you feel about your own achievements?
48. What is one goal you want to achieve in the future?
49. How do you stay motivated to reach your goals?
50. What is the best advice you have received about success?

XI. The Impact of Fame on Society

51. How does fame affect society’s values?
52. Do you think famous people have a responsibility to society?
53. How can fame be used for good in society?
54. What social issues do you think famous people should support?
55. How does media coverage affect public perception of fame?

XII. Conclusion and Future Thoughts

56. What do you think the future of fame will look like?
57. How can we create a balance between digital fame and real-life success?
58. What is one change you would like to see in how we view success?
59. How can we support each other in achieving real-life success?
60. What is your hope for the next generation regarding fame and success?
