Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Beer” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Beer Basics

1. How many kinds of beer are there?
2. Do you have to have a license to sell beer?
3. Do you have a favorite type of beer?
4. When did you start drinking beer?
5. Have you ever tried home-brewed beer? What did it taste like?

II. Beer and Health

6. Is beer good for your health?
7. What is the best way to serve beer?
8. Do you like to drink alone or with friends?
9. Do you think that beer is for everyone?
10. What does it taste like?

III. Drinking Rules

11. Have you ever tried non-alcoholic beer or a non-alcoholic alternative to beer (such as root beer)? Did you like it? Would you drink it again?
12. Do you have to be over 21 to drink beer in your country?
13. Is it OK to drink alcohol if you’re under 18 years old?
14. Is beer made from barley or wheat?
15. What makes beer unique?

IV. Beer Prices

16. How much does a beer cost at your local bar or pub?
17. Is there anything else you’d like to know about beer?
18. Can you make beer at home?
19. Is there a certain kind of beer that you like more than others?
20. If you could only drink one kind of beer for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

V. Beer History

21. When did people start making beer?
22. Should beer be cold?
23. Why are some beers called “craft beers”?
24. What makes a beer taste good?
25. What does beer do?

VI. Beer Opinions

26. Is beer good for you?
27. Do you know anyone who doesn’t drink alcohol at all but drinks loads of soft drinks instead?
28. Where does beer come from?
29. What do you need to make a beer?
30. Do you ever drink too much beer at parties or events?

VII. Personal Experiences

31. Who introduced you to drinking beer for the first time?
32. Have you ever had a bad experience with drinking too much beer?
33. Do you think it’s okay for a sport to receive money from a beer company if the money goes toward supporting the team or event?
34. What kind of beer do you prefer?
35. What is the difference between lager and ale?

VIII. Drinking Places

36. What’s your favorite place to drink beer?
37. How much does a bottle of beer cost in your country?
38. Can you get drunk on nonalcoholic beer?
39. How long does it take to make beer?
40. Why do people drink beer?

IX. Beer Taste

41. What do you think about the taste of beer?
42. Which do you prefer: light beers or dark beers?
43. Are there so many different kinds of beer that you can’t choose one?
44. Do you drink beer while eating dinner?
45. How many calories do you think are in a glass of beer?

X. Beer Preferences

46. What’s your favorite way to drink beer?
47. Do you drink beer every day?
48. Do you like beer? Why or why not?
49. What is the main ingredient in beer?
50. Why do some people drink too much beer?

XI. Beer Knowledge

51. Can you name some different beers?
52. What is your favorite beer brand?
53. How do you feel about beer festivals?
54. What do you think about beer commercials?
55. Do you think beer tastes better in a bottle or a can?

XII. Beer Culture

56. What role does beer play in your culture?
57. Have you ever traveled to a place known for its beer?
58. What is your favorite beer-related memory?
59. How do you celebrate with beer?
60. What advice would you give to someone trying beer for the first time?
