I. General Dating Questions
1. What is your favorite kind of date?
2. Do you think it’s okay to date someone who has a lot of baggage?
3. If your friend wanted advice about how to get over an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, what would be some useful advice for them?
4. What’s the best way to break the ice on a first date?
5. What’s the best way to tell someone that you like them?
II. First Date Experiences
6. What’s the worst thing that has happened when you went on a date?
7. Do you have any tips for meeting people in real life (IRL)?
8. Is there such thing as too much honesty in relationships? Why or why not?
9. What are some things that are not important to know before going on a date?
10. Do you have any good tips for meeting someone for the first time?
III. Feelings About Dating
11. What do you like the most about dating?
12. Have you ever been in love with someone who didn’t love you back? How did it feel?
13. How do you know if a guy or girl likes you?
14. Have you ever been on a blind date? If so, what was it like?
15. What’s the most awkward thing that’s happened to you during a date?
IV. Partner Preferences
16. What do you look for in a potential partner?
17. Are there any questions that you’re too shy to ask on a first date?
18. Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not?
19. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
20. How do you know when a date is going well?
V. Asking Someone Out
21. What is the best way to ask someone out?
22. What is your favorite place to go on dates?
23. Do you think dating is important in life?
24. Would you ever date someone who has kids? Why or why not?
25. Do you think it’s important to stay friends with your exes?
VI. Fun and Lighthearted Questions
26. What’s your favorite pickup line?
27. Have you ever cheated on anyone before? If so, why did you do it?
28. Do you believe that there’s such a thing as “the one”? Why or why not?
29. What do you like to do on a first date?
30. When was the last time you went on a bad date and what happened?
VII. Date Outcomes
31. How do you know when someone likes you? Do they tell you or do they show it in some other way?
32. Do you prefer to meet for coffee, lunch, dinner, or all three?
33. What is the most romantic thing anyone has done for you on a date?
34. What’s your favorite movie to watch on a first date?
35. How often do you go on dates?
VIII. Recent Dating Experiences
36. What was your most recent first date like, good or bad? How did it end up going?
37. What’s the best thing that has happened when you went on a date?
38. What is your favorite thing about dating?
39. How do you feel about blind dates?
40. What do you think of online dating?
IX. Comfort Levels in Dating
41. What are some things that make you really uncomfortable during dating (e.g., talking about an ex)?
42. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about dating, what would it be?
43. What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?
44. What is dating?
45. If you were to go on a blind date, what would be the first thing you would want to know about the person?
X. Memorable Dates
46. What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?
47. How do you feel about dating?
48. What’s your favorite dating app/website/platform?
49. What’s the most important thing in a relationship (your opinion)?
50. Do you like to go on dates?
XI. Local Dating Spots
51. Where do you go on dates in your city?
52. How long do you wait before asking someone out on a date?
53. What is the worst thing about dating?
54. What are some things that are important to know before going on a date?
55. What are some things that make a person attractive to you?
XII. Ideal Dates
56. What’s your ideal first date?
57. What’s your favorite place to go on a date in your city/town/country (e.g., museum, park)?
58. What have you learned from your past relationships?
59. How do you feel about double dates?
60. What advice would you give to someone who is nervous about dating?