Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Greenwashing” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Understanding Greenwashing

1. What is greenwashing?
2. Why do companies practice greenwashing?
3. Can you give an example of greenwashing?
4. How can greenwashing affect consumers?
5. Do you think greenwashing is a big problem today?

II. Identifying Greenwashing

6. What are some signs of greenwashing?
7. How can you tell if a product is truly eco-friendly or just a victim of greenwashing?
8. Why is it important to be aware of greenwashing?
9. Do you think it’s easy to spot greenwashing? Why or why not?
10. Have you ever bought something thinking it was eco-friendly but later found out it wasn’t?

III. The Impact of Greenwashing

11. How does greenwashing impact the environment?
12. Can greenwashing affect a company’s reputation? How?
13. Do you think greenwashing can influence government policies?
14. How does greenwashing affect consumer trust?
15. Can greenwashing have any positive effects?

IV. Greenwashing in Different Sectors

16. Which industries are most notorious for greenwashing?
17. Can you give an example of greenwashing in the fashion industry?
18. How is greenwashing present in the food industry?
19. Are there any examples of greenwashing in the technology sector?
20. How can the tourism industry be guilty of greenwashing?

V. Legal and Ethical Considerations

21. Are there any laws against greenwashing?
22. Should companies be held accountable for greenwashing? How?
23. What ethical issues does greenwashing raise?
24. Can greenwashing be considered a form of false advertising?
25. How can governments combat greenwashing?

VI. The Role of Consumers

26. How can consumers avoid falling for greenwashing?
27. What role do consumers play in encouraging or discouraging greenwashing?
28. How can consumers influence companies to be more environmentally honest?
29. Do you think consumer awareness of greenwashing is increasing?
30. How can consumers educate themselves about greenwashing?

VII. The Role of Media and Advertising

31. How does advertising contribute to greenwashing?
32. Can social media help in identifying and calling out greenwashing?
33. Should media outlets refuse to publish greenwashed advertisements?
34. How can advertising regulations help prevent greenwashing?
35. What responsibility do influencers have in preventing greenwashing?

VIII. Solutions and Alternatives

36. What are some alternatives to greenwashing for companies?
37. How can companies prove their environmental claims are true?
38. What role can certification organizations play in combating greenwashing?
39. Can technology help in reducing greenwashing? How?
40. What are some successful examples of companies avoiding greenwashing?

IX. The Future of Green Marketing

41. How do you see the future of green marketing evolving?
42. Will consumer demand for honest environmental practices increase?
43. How can companies prepare for a future with less tolerance for greenwashing?
44. Do you think greenwashing will become more or less common in the future?
45. What innovations could help reduce greenwashing?

X. Personal Opinions and Experiences

46. How do you personally feel about greenwashing?
47. Have you ever changed your opinion about a brand because of greenwashing?
48. Do you actively try to research products before buying to avoid greenwashing?
49. How willing are you to pay more for genuinely eco-friendly products?
50. Do you think it’s the responsibility of the consumer or the company to combat greenwashing?

XI. Global Perspectives on Greenwashing

51. Do you think greenwashing is more common in certain countries?
52. How do global environmental standards affect greenwashing?
53. Can international cooperation help combat greenwashing?
54. How do cultural attitudes towards the environment influence greenwashing?
55. What can we learn from countries that are successful in combating greenwashing?

XII. Education and Awareness

56. How can education play a role in combating greenwashing?
57. What kind of educational programs could help raise awareness about greenwashing?
58. How important is it to teach children about greenwashing?
59. Can public campaigns effectively reduce greenwashing?
60. What is the most important thing you have learned about greenwashing?
