Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Laser eye surgery” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Laser Eye Surgery Questions

1. Are there any alternatives to laser eye surgery?
2. Are you nervous about the idea of laser eye surgery?
3. What’s the difference between laser eye surgery and regular glasses?
4. Does laser eye surgery hurt?
5. Will I be able to see well after I have laser eye surgery?

II. Insurance and Costs

6. Does insurance cover the cost of laser eye surgery?
7. Can I drive after the procedure?
8. What should I do if I am interested in getting laser eye surgery but am not sure if it’s right for me?
9. Can you get the same results with glasses or contacts as with laser eye surgery?
10. What are the risks of getting laser eye surgery?

III. Pain and Recovery

11. What are some disadvantages of laser eye surgery?
12. Is laser eye surgery painful?
13. Can you wear glasses after laser eye surgery?
14. How long does laser eye surgery take?
15. How much does it cost to get laser eye surgery?

IV. Information and Side Effects

16. Where can I go to find out more about laser eye surgery?
17. Have you had surgery before? If so, what kind of results did it give you?
18. What are some of the side effects of laser eye surgery?
19. How long does it take to recover from laser eye surgery?
20. Can you swim after having your eyes operated on with laser?

V. Procedure Details

21. Do surgeons perform laser eye surgeries on both eyes at the same time or one at a time, and why do they do it this way?
22. How does laser eye surgery work?
23. Can laser eye surgery make you blind?
24. Is laser eye surgery a good idea?
25. Do you recommend laser eye surgery for others who want to improve their vision?

VI. Personal Considerations

26. Should I get laser eye surgery?
27. Is it safe to have laser eye surgery?
28. Do you need to take medicine after having laser eye surgery?
29. Can anyone get laser eye surgery?
30. What age is best for laser eye surgery?

VII. Long-Term Effects

31. What long-term effects can laser eye surgery have?
32. Can laser eye surgery change your eye color?
33. How often do people need to have laser eye surgery?
34. What happens if your vision changes after laser eye surgery?
35. Can you have laser eye surgery more than once?

VIII. Lifestyle Changes

36. How does laser eye surgery affect your daily life?
37. Will I need to change my activities after laser eye surgery?
38. Can I play sports after laser eye surgery?
39. How soon can I return to work after laser eye surgery?
40. Will I need to wear sunglasses after laser eye surgery?

IX. Personal Experiences

41. Have you ever known someone who had laser eye surgery?
42. What did they say about their experience?
43. Would you consider laser eye surgery after hearing their story?
44. What questions would you ask someone who had laser eye surgery?
45. Do you think personal stories are important in making a decision about surgery?

X. Future Considerations

46. How do you think laser eye surgery will change in the future?
47. What new technologies do you think will be used in laser eye surgery?
48. Do you think more people will choose laser eye surgery in the future?
49. How can we educate people about laser eye surgery?
50. What should be done to improve the safety of laser eye surgery?

XI. Cultural Perspectives

51. How do different cultures view laser eye surgery?
52. Are there cultural beliefs that affect decisions about surgery?
53. How do people in your culture feel about surgery?
54. Do you think cultural views will change in the future?
55. How can we respect cultural differences in medical decisions?

XII. Final Thoughts

56. What is your overall opinion about laser eye surgery?
57. Would you recommend laser eye surgery to a friend?
58. What advice would you give someone considering laser eye surgery?
59. How can we help others feel more comfortable about laser eye surgery?
60. What is the most important thing to know about laser eye surgery?
