Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Old (Elderly) People” ESL Discussion Questions

I. General Perception of Old Age

1. What age is considered old in your culture?
2. How do young people view old age in your society?
3. What are the benefits of becoming older?
4. Are there any special traditions for celebrating old age in your country?
5. How does the media in your country portray old people?

II. Lifestyle and Activities

6. What are some popular activities for old people in your community?
7. How do old people stay active?
8. What hobbies are good for elderly people?
9. Can old people still work or volunteer?
10. What kind of clubs or groups can old people join?

III. Health and Well-being

11. What are common health issues for old people?
12. How can elderly people take care of their health?
13. Why is a balanced diet important for old people?
14. What exercises are safe and beneficial for the elderly?
15. How often should old people visit the doctor?

IV. Social Interaction

16. How important is social interaction for elderly people?
17. What can families do to support their old relatives?
18. Are there community centers for old people where you live?
19. How can old people make new friends?
20. What role do grandchildren play in the lives of old people?

V. Retirement and Finances

21. At what age do most people retire in your country?
22. How do old people manage their finances after retirement?
23. What kind of financial support is available for the elderly?
24. Should old people manage their own money?
25. How do retirement homes work financially?

VI. Accommodation and Living Arrangements

26. Do most old people live with their families or alone?
27. What is assisted living for the elderly?
28. How can homes be made safer for old people?
29. What are the benefits of living in a senior community?
30. How do you choose the right place for an elderly person to live?

VII. Technology and the Elderly

31. How can technology help old people in their daily lives?
32. Are there any gadgets that you would recommend for the elderly?
33. How can old people learn to use new technologies?
34. What are the challenges old people face with technology?
35. Do you know any old people who use social media?

VIII. Transportation and Mobility

36. What transportation options are available for old people?
37. How can old people keep driving safely?
38. Are there discounts for the elderly on public transport?
39. How does mobility affect the independence of old people?
40. What services help old people get around if they can’t drive?

IX. Mental Health and Aging

41. How does aging affect mental health?
42. What can be done to prevent loneliness in old age?
43. How can old people keep their minds sharp?
44. What are the signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s in old people?
45. How can society help old people with mental health issues?

X. Respect and Treatment

46. How should younger people treat old people?
47. Why is respect for the elderly important?
48. How do different cultures show respect to old people?
49. What can we learn from old people?
50. How can we show appreciation for the elderly in our community?

XI. Legacy and Wisdom

51. How can old people share their life experiences?
52. Why is it important to listen to the stories of old people?
53. What kinds of wisdom do old people often have?
54. How can old people contribute to the education of younger generations?
55. What can old people teach us about history?

XII. End of Life

56. How do people prepare for the end of life?
57. What are the emotional needs of old people as they near the end of life?
58. How do cultures differ in their approach to death and dying?
59. What kind of care is important for old people in their final years?
60. How can families make the last years of an old person’s life fulfilling?
