Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Soccer (Football)” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Soccer Basics

1. What’s your favorite position to play on a team?
2. Do you play soccer (football)?
3. Which team is the best one in your country?
4. Who are some of the best players from the 2000s?
5. Who do you think will win the next World Cup?

II. Soccer History

6. Who invented it?
7. If you were going to play soccer (football), what position would you want to play?
8. What is a penalty kick?
9. How many times do they play a season?
10. What are the colors of some famous teams’ uniforms (kits)?

III. Soccer Rules

11. What are the different positions on a soccer (football) team?
12. Are there any rules to this game? If so, what are they?
13. What do you think about the best player in the world?
14. Who wins when two teams play each other?
15. Why do you think soccer (football) is so popular in many countries around the world?

IV. Watching Soccer

16. Is it exciting to watch soccer (football)?
17. Who is the best young player in the world?
18. Why do you think it’s called “football”?
19. Who has the most power in soccer (football), the coach or the players?
20. Which country is best known for playing soccer (football)?

V. Personal Preference

21. Do you like soccer (football) better than American football? Why or why not?
22. Are there any rules that are different between men and women’s leagues?
23. How long have you been playing soccer (football)?
24. Why do you think teams have 11 players on them?
25. What are some skills you need to be good at soccer (football)?

VI. Favorite Players

26. Tell me about your favorite players.
27. What happens if the ball goes out of bounds during play (i.e., off the field)? Is it still in play or not? Why or why not?
28. When does a game end?
29. How many players are there on a team?
30. Who won the World Cup in 2018?

VII. Fouls and Goals

31. What is a foul?
32. How many players are there on the field?
33. Why do people play soccer (football)?
34. What do you think is the most important thing to know when playing soccer (football)?
35. What is soccer (football)?

VIII. Watching Events

36. Do you watch the World Cup?
37. What is the best team in the world?
38. Where did soccer (football) come from?
39. What are the rules of soccer (football)?
40. Who are some of the best players from the 1990s?

IX. Skills and Techniques

41. What do you think is the most important skill to have when playing soccer (football)?
42. Can women play in the same league as men?
43. Do you like soccer (football)?
44. How many goals are there in a game of soccer (football)?
45. Do you watch soccer (football) on TV?

X. Players from Different Eras

46. Who are some of the best players from the 2010s?
47. Is there a cap on how much money teams can spend to recruit top players?
48. Who is your favorite player?
49. How many points does a player get for scoring a goal?
50. What does it mean when someone refers to ‘offside’?

XI. Soccer Culture

51. How do fans show support for their teams?
52. What is the biggest soccer event in your country?
53. How do you feel when your team wins?
54. What is your favorite soccer memory?
55. How do you think soccer (football) affects culture?

XII. Future of Soccer

56. What changes would you like to see in soccer (football)?
57. How do you think technology will change soccer (football)?
58. Will soccer (football) become more popular in the future?
59. What do you think is the future of women’s soccer?
60. How can we make soccer (football) more inclusive for everyone?
