I. Tablet Computers
1. What are the advantages of using a tablet computer?
2. What is a good app to download onto your tablet?
3. Is it easy or hard to use a tablet computer?
4. How many apps can I install on my tablet computer at once?
5. What do you like about your tablet computer? What do you dislike about it?
II. Tablet Usage
6. Do you like to use a stylus with your tablet?
7. Have you ever used a stylus? If so, did you like it or dislike it?
8. Is it necessary to use a tablet computer?
9. Do you find that tablets are easier to carry than laptops (for example: when walking around town)?
10. Is it important to have a tablet computer?
III. Tablet Features
11. Do you like to use your tablet as a phone, or would you rather have another device for that purpose? Why or why not?
12. What is the difference between a phone and a tablet?
13. Are there any tips or tricks that can help me use my tablet better?
14. How do you feel about having a tablet computer?
15. Do you think tablets are more useful than laptops?
IV. Tablet Benefits
16. What are some of the best features of tablets?
17. Why do you think people use tablet computers?
18. Are you a tablet owner?
19. What are the disadvantages of tablet computers?
20. Do you think tablets will replace laptops in the future?
V. Tablet Applications
21. What are some common uses for tablet computers?
22. What are the benefits of using a tablet computer over a laptop?
23. Where are most tablets made today?
24. What kind of apps do you like on your tablet computer?
25. What are some activities that you can do with a tablet computer?
VI. Tablet Knowledge
26. Do you know how to use a tablet computer?
27. Are you familiar with the features of a tablet computer?
28. What are the different types of tablets? Which is your favorite?
29. What do you like most about tablets in general?
30. Do you like using a tablet computer?
VII. Tablet Preferences
31. What do you like least about tablets in general?
32. Which tablet should I buy?
33. Why do you use a tablet computer?
34. Do you think it is easy to learn how to use a tablet computer?
35. What is a tablet computer?
VIII. Tablet Comparisons
36. How do tablets compare to desktop computers?
37. Which is better for gaming: a tablet or a laptop?
38. Can you do everything on a tablet that you can do on a laptop?
39. What are the pros and cons of using a tablet instead of a laptop?
40. Do you think tablets are better for reading than e-readers?
IX. Tablet Accessories
41. What accessories do you use with your tablet?
42. Do you have a case for your tablet? Why or why not?
43. What type of charger do you use for your tablet?
44. Do you use headphones with your tablet? Which ones do you like?
45. What is your favorite tablet accessory?
X. Tablet Trends
46. What new features do you want in future tablets?
47. How do you think tablets will change in the next few years?
48. Are there any new brands of tablets you want to try?
49. What do you think about the price of tablets today?
50. Do you think tablets will become more popular in the future?
XI. Tablet Experiences
51. What is your favorite memory using a tablet?
52. Have you ever had a problem with your tablet? What happened?
53. Do you use your tablet for work or school? How?
54. What do you do most often on your tablet?
55. Have you ever recommended a tablet to someone? Why?
XII. Tablet Future
56. What do you think tablets will look like in 10 years?
57. How will tablets change the way we learn?
58. What new technology do you hope to see in tablets?
59. Do you think tablets will be used in more places in the future?
60. How do you think tablets will help people in their daily lives?