Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Vegetarianism” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Vegetarianism Beliefs

1. Do you think that eating meat is wrong in any way? Why or why not?
2. Do you miss having meat when you’re not eating it?
3. Do you agree with vegetarianism?
4. Are there any foods that make you feel guilty when you eat them?
5. Are vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters?

II. Vegetarian Diet

6. Do you like vegetables?
7. Is it possible to be a vegetarian if you eat fish?
8. What about milk and cheese?
9. Is it possible to be healthy and still eat meat?
10. Do you eat meat?

III. Vegetarian Lifestyle

11. Do you think it’s okay for vegetarians to eat fish or other animals that don’t have feelings or intelligence?
12. Do vegetarians feel healthier as a result of being vegetarian?
13. What can vegetarians eat besides vegetables?
14. How do you feel about the way animals are treated at farms and slaughterhouses?
15. Do you think vegetarians are more ethical than meat-eaters?

IV. Cooking and Eating

16. Can you be a vegetarian if you don’t know how to cook?
17. What is your favorite vegetable?
18. Can vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products?
19. Why do some people become vegetarians?
20. Does it matter how much meat we eat?

V. Personal Experiences

21. Have you ever tried vegetarian food?
22. Do you think vegetarianism is a good diet for you?
23. What do you say when someone asks you why you’re a vegetarian?
24. What are the benefits of being a vegetarian?
25. Can vegetarians eat honey?

VI. Social Aspects

26. Do you know anyone who is a vegetarian?
27. Are there any disadvantages to being a vegetarian?
28. Are there any reasons why someone might not want to be vegetarian?
29. What do you think about vegetarianism?
30. How do vegetarians get their protein?

VII. Vegetarian Foods

31. What are some of the most common foods eaten by vegetarians?
32. What do you like least about being vegetarian?
33. What are some of the health risks associated with eating meat?
34. What do you think of people who eat meat?
35. Do you prefer cooking or eating out?

VIII. Health Considerations

36. Do you think vegetarians have different health problems than non-vegetarians? If so, why do you think that’s true?
37. Do you think it’s better for your health to be a vegetarian?
38. Have you ever been to a vegetarian restaurant?
39. Do you think it’s better for the environment to be a vegetarian?
40. How does a vegetarian diet affect your health?

IX. Importance of Vegetarianism

41. Do you think it’s important to be a vegetarian?
42. Are you a vegetarian?
43. What do you like most about being vegetarian?
44. Which country has the best food?
45. Do vegetarians eat fish or other seafood?

X. Vegetarian Alternatives

46. What are some good meat alternatives for vegetarians?
47. How do you feel about plant-based meats?
48. What is your favorite vegetarian dish?
49. Do you think vegetarian food is expensive?
50. What is your favorite way to prepare vegetables?

XI. Cultural Perspectives

51. How does vegetarianism differ in various cultures?
52. What vegetarian dishes are popular in your country?
53. Are there any famous vegetarian chefs?
54. How do festivals in your culture celebrate vegetarianism?
55. What is the history of vegetarianism in your culture?

XII. Future of Vegetarianism

56. Do you think vegetarianism will become more popular in the future?
57. What changes do you think will happen in vegetarian food options?
58. How can we encourage more people to try vegetarianism?
59. What role do you think social media plays in promoting vegetarianism?
60. What do you hope to learn about vegetarianism in the future?
