Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

Lily and the Enchanted Garden

One sunny day, a little girl named Lily went for a walk in the park. As she was walking, she noticed a beautiful garden hidden behind a tall hedge. She couldn’t see what was inside, but she could hear the sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves.

Lily was curious, so she pushed aside the branches of the hedge and stepped inside. She couldn’t believe her eyes! The garden was filled with brightly colored flowers and sparkling fountains. There were even tiny houses made of candy and chocolate.

As Lily explored the garden, she saw a group of fairies flying through the air. They were wearing shimmering dresses and had sparkly wings. One of the fairies noticed Lily and flew over to her.

“Welcome to our enchanted garden,” the fairy said with a smile. “We are so glad you found us.”

Lily was thrilled to meet the fairies and asked if she could stay and play in the garden. The fairies agreed and showed Lily all of the magical wonders of the garden. They even gave her a special flower that would allow her to fly like a fairy.

As the sun began to set, the fairies told Lily it was time for her to go home. Lily didn’t want to leave, but she knew she had to. She said goodbye to the fairies and the enchanted garden and made a promise to come back and visit as often as she could.

From that day on, Lily visited the enchanted garden every chance she got. She had never felt so happy and free, and she knew that she would always be welcome in the magical place.






  1. walk (noun): a journey made on foot, especially a long one
  2. hedge (noun): a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, typically forming a boundary or separating different areas of land
  3. hidden (adjective): kept out of sight or not easily found
  4. rustling (verb): making a soft, gentle sound, like the sound of leaves being moved by the wind
  5. curious (adjective): interested in finding out about something
  6. pushed (verb): moved with force, typically using your hands
  7. branch (noun): a woody part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or from a main stem and bears leaves, flowers, or fruit
  8. sparkle (verb): shine with a bright, flickering light
  9. fountain (noun): a structure from which water issues forth, often decorated with sculptures or other ornaments
  10. candy (noun): a sweet food made with sugar or chocolate
  11. chocolate (noun): a sweet, usually brown, food made from ground cocoa seeds
  12. fairy (noun): an imaginary being with magical powers, often depicted as a small, delicate, and beautiful human-like creature with wings
  13. shimmering (adjective): shining with a soft, diffused light
  14. sparkly (adjective): shining with a bright, sparkling light

Comprehension Questions

Please answer the following questions with your teacher or partner.
The answers are at the bottom of the page!

  1. Why was Lily in the park?
  2. What did Lily hear while walking in the park?
  3. What did Lily see when she entered the enchanted garden?
  4. What did the fairies in the garden look like?
  5. Did the fairies allow Lily to stay and play in the garden?
  6. What did the fairies show Lily in the garden?
  7. Did Lily want to leave the enchanted garden when it was time to go home?
  8. Did the fairies promise to let Lily come back and visit again?
  9. How did Lily feel while she was in the enchanted garden?
  10. Did Lily continue to visit the enchanted garden after her first visit?

Gap Fill Questions

Please fill in the gaps.
The answers are at the bottom of the page!

  1. Lily went for a _______ in the park.
  2. Lily heard the sound of _______ chirping and the rustling of _______ while walking in the park.
  3. The garden was filled with _______ colored flowers and sparkling _______.
  4. There were even tiny _______ made of candy and chocolate.
  5. The fairies were wearing _______ dresses and had _______ wings.
  6. The fairies showed Lily all of the magical _______ of the garden.
  7. The fairies gave Lily a special _______ that would allow her to fly like a fairy.
  8. Lily felt _______ and free while she was in the enchanted garden.
  9. Lily made a promise to come back and _______ as often as she could.
  10. Lily continued to visit the enchanted garden every _______ she got.

Conversation Questions

With your teacher or partner, please ask and answer these questions:

1. How do you think Lily felt when she first saw the enchanted garden?

2. Have you ever visited a place that felt magical to you?

3. Do you believe in fairies or other mythical creatures?

4. If you could have any magical power, what would it be and why?

5. What would you do if you met a fairy in real life?

6. Have you ever made a promise to visit a place again?

7. Do you have a favorite place that you like to visit over and over again?

8. Do you think the enchanted garden was real or just a dream?

9. What other magical creatures or characters do you think might live in the enchanted garden?

10. If you could create your own enchanted garden, what would it look like and what kind of magical creatures would you include?


Comprehension Question Answers:

  1. Why was Lily in the park? Lily was in the park for a walk.
  2. What did Lily hear while walking in the park? Lily heard the sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves while walking in the park.
  3. What did Lily see when she entered the enchanted garden? Lily saw brightly colored flowers and sparkling fountains when she entered the enchanted garden. She also saw tiny houses made of candy and chocolate.
  4. What did the fairies in the garden look like? The fairies in the garden were wearing shimmering dresses and had sparkly wings.
  5. Did the fairies allow Lily to stay and play in the garden? Yes, the fairies allowed Lily to stay and play in the garden.
  6. What did the fairies show Lily in the garden? The fairies showed Lily all of the magical wonders of the garden. They also gave her a special flower that would allow her to fly like a fairy.
  7. Did Lily want to leave the enchanted garden when it was time to go home? No, Lily didn’t want to leave the enchanted garden when it was time to go home.
  8. Did the fairies promise to let Lily come back and visit again? Yes, the fairies made a promise to Lily that she could come back and visit as often as she liked.
  9. How did Lily feel while she was in the enchanted garden? Lily felt happy and free while she was in the enchanted garden.
  10. Did Lily continue to visit the enchanted garden after her first visit? Yes, Lily continued to visit the enchanted garden every chance she got after her first visit.

Gap Fill Question Answers:

  1. Lily went for a walk in the park.
  2. Lily heard the sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves while walking in the park.
  3. The garden was filled with brightly colored flowers and sparkling fountains.
  4. There were even tiny houses made of candy and chocolate.
  5. The fairies were wearing shimmering dresses and had sparkly wings.
  6. The fairies showed Lily all of the magical wonders of the garden.
  7. The fairies gave Lily a special flower that would allow her to fly like a fairy.
  8. Lily felt happy and free while she was in the enchanted garden.
  9. Lily made a promise to come back and visit as often as she could.
  10. Lily continued to visit the enchanted garden every chance she got.

📚 How about these other Level 2 stories?

Dara the daring dragonfly embarks on a quest, only to discover that the true treasure is within.

The Daring Dragonfly

Dara the dragonfly found a secret map and went on an adventure to find treasure, but she discovered that the real treasure was learning to have fun and be brave.

The Giant’s Garden

Greg loves his beautiful garden, but some mean Goblins steal all the seeds. Whiskers helps save the day!

disaster into a triumph, creating a beautiful and unforgettable moment for everyone involved.

The Carnival of Colors

In Rainbowland, everyone is excited for the Carnival of Colors. Timmy’s costume gets blown away, but his friends help him find it and make it even better.

