Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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Seventeen: K-pop Group Performing at Glastonbury!

Seventeen, a K-pop boyband with 13 members, is set to make history at Glastonbury, breaking barriers for the genre in the UK.

Try this article at a different level?


Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 13 members. They will be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. K-pop is very popular around the world, but not as much in the UK. Seventeen writes and makes their own songs. They are very excited to perform at Glastonbury.

Seventeen worked very hard to become famous. They trained for a long time and were on a show called Seventeen TV. They started making music in 2015 and tried different styles. Their album FML was the best-selling record in 2023. They want to go on a world tour and meet more fans.

Original news source: Seventeen: The K-pop band about to make history at UK festival (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1performTo sing, dance, or act in front of people
2popularLiked by many people
3excitedVery happy and looking forward to something
4famousKnown by many people
5trainedPracticed a lot to get better
6albumA collection of songs
7recordSomething that keeps information, like music
8tourA trip to different places to show your work
9membersPeople who are part of a group
10stylesDifferent ways of doing something

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Word Association

Instructions: Write the word “K-pop” on the board. Have students take turns saying a word that is related to K-pop. For example, one student might say “music,” and the next student might say “dance.” Keep going until everyone has had a turn or until the class runs out of ideas.

– Vocabulary Pictionary

Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a set of vocabulary words related to the article (e.g. K-pop, Glastonbury, album, fans). One student from each pair will choose a word and draw a picture to represent it, while the other student guesses the word. They can only use pictures, no words. After a set amount of time, switch roles and continue until all the words have been used.

– Headline Creation

Instructions: In small groups, have students create a headline for the article. Encourage them to be creative and use their own words. After each group has come up with a headline, have them share with the class and discuss why they chose that headline.

– Think-Pair-Share

Instructions: Have students think about a question related to the article (e.g. “Why do you think K-pop is popular around the world?”). Give them a few minutes to think individually, then have them pair up with a partner to discuss their thoughts. After a few minutes of discussion, bring the class back together and have a few pairs share their ideas with the whole group.

– Two Truths and a Lie

Instructions: Have each student come up with two true statements and one false statement about themselves related to the article (e.g. “I have been to a K-pop concert before,” “I have heard of Glastonbury,” “I can speak Korean”). In a small group or with a partner, students take turns sharing their statements and the others have to guess which one is the lie. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions to try and figure out the lie.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. How many people are in the K-pop group Seventeen?
2. Will Seventeen be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage?
3. Is K-pop very popular all around the world?
4. Did Seventeen write and make their own songs?
5. Are Seventeen excited to perform at Glastonbury?
6. Did Seventeen work very hard to become famous?
7. Do Seventeen want to go on a world tour and meet more fans?
Go to answers ⇩

🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 13 members. They will be the (1)______ K-pop (2)______ to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. K-pop is very popular around the world, but not as much in the UK. Seventeen writes and makes their own (3)______. They are very excited to perform at (4)______.

Seventeen worked very hard to become famous. They trained for a (5)______ time and were on a show called Seventeen TV. They started (6)______ music in 2015 and tried different styles. Their album FML was the best-selling record in 2023. They (7)______ to go on a (8)______ tour and meet more fans.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is K-pop?
2. How would you feel if you were in a famous band like Seventeen?
3. Do you like making music? Why or why not?
4. What do you think it means to “train” to become famous?
5. How would you feel if you were on a TV show like Seventeen TV?
6. Do you know any other famous bands? Who are they?
7. How do you think it feels to perform on a big stage like Glastonbury’s main stage?
8. Do you want to go on a world tour? Why or why not?
9. How do you think Seventeen became so popular?
10. Do you like meeting new people? Why or why not?
11. What is your favorite style of music?
12. Do you think K-pop will become more popular in the UK? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. perform
2. popular
3. excited
4. famous
5. trained
6. album
7. record
8. tour
9. members
10. styles

(A) Very happy and looking forward to something
(B) Known by many people
(C) A trip to different places to show your work
(D) Practiced a lot to get better
(E) Something that keeps information, like music
(F) Liked by many people
(G) Different ways of doing something
(H) People who are part of a group
(I) A collection of songs
(J) To sing, dance, or act in front of people
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. How many members are in the K-pop boyband Seventeen?
(a) 13
(b) 7
(c) 17
(d) 10

2. Where will Seventeen be the first K-pop group to perform?
(a) Coachella’s main stage
(b) Glastonbury’s main stage
(c) Madison Square Garden
(d) Wembley Stadium

3. Is K-pop very popular around the world?
(a) No
(b) Maybe
(c) I don’t know
(d) Yes

4. Who writes and makes their own songs?
(a) BTS
(b) Blackpink
(c) EXO
(d) Seventeen

5. What show were Seventeen on before becoming famous?
(a) Seventeen TV
(b) K-pop Star
(c) The Voice
(d) American Idol

6. When did Seventeen start making music?
(a) 2020
(b) 2010
(c) 2015
(d) 2005

7. Which album was the best-selling record in 2023?
(a) Love Yourself: Answer
(b) The Album
(c) FML
(d) Map of the Soul: 7

8. What do Seventeen want to do on their world tour?
(a) Perform on TV
(b) Meet more fans
(c) Make more albums
(d) Take a break

Go to answers ⇩

🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Their album FML was not the best-selling record in 2023.
2. They trained for a long time and were on a show called Seventeen TV.
3. Seventeen doesn’t write and makes their own songs.
4. Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 12 members.
5. They are very excited to perform at Glastonbury.
6. They won’t be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage.
7. Seventeen worked very hard to become famous.
8. K-pop is very popular around the world, but not as much in the UK.
Go to answers ⇩

📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. Who is Seventeen?
2. Where will Seventeen be performing?
3. What is K-pop?
4. How did Seventeen become famous?
5. What was the best-selling record in 2023?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. How many people are in the K-pop group Seventeen?
There are 13 people in the K-pop group Seventeen.

2. Will Seventeen be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage?
Yes, Seventeen will be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage.

3. Is K-pop very popular all around the world?
Yes, K-pop is very popular all around the world.

4. Did Seventeen write and make their own songs?
Yes, Seventeen writes and makes their own songs.

5. Are Seventeen excited to perform at Glastonbury?
Yes, Seventeen is very excited to perform at Glastonbury.

6. Did Seventeen work very hard to become famous?
Yes, Seventeen worked very hard to become famous.

7. Do Seventeen want to go on a world tour and meet more fans?
Yes, Seventeen wants to go on a world tour and meet more fans.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) first
(2) group
(3) songs
(4) Glastonbury
(5) long
(6) making
(7) want
(8) world
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. perform
Answer: (J) To sing, dance, or act in front of people

2. popular
Answer: (F) Liked by many people

3. excited
Answer: (A) Very happy and looking forward to something

4. famous
Answer: (B) Known by many people

5. trained
Answer: (D) Practiced a lot to get better

6. album
Answer: (I) A collection of songs

7. record
Answer: (E) Something that keeps information, like music

8. tour
Answer: (C) A trip to different places to show your work

9. members
Answer: (H) People who are part of a group

10. styles
Answer: (G) Different ways of doing something
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. How many members are in the K-pop boyband Seventeen?
Answer: (a) 13

2. Where will Seventeen be the first K-pop group to perform?
Answer: (b) Glastonbury’s main stage

3. Is K-pop very popular around the world?
Answer: (d) Yes

4. Who writes and makes their own songs?
Answer: (d) Seventeen

5. What show were Seventeen on before becoming famous?
Answer: (a) Seventeen TV

6. When did Seventeen start making music?
Answer: (c) 2015

7. Which album was the best-selling record in 2023?
Answer: (c) FML

8. What do Seventeen want to do on their world tour?
Answer: (b) Meet more fans
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Their album FML was not the best-selling record in 2023. (Answer: False)
2. They trained for a long time and were on a show called Seventeen TV. (Answer: True)
3. Seventeen doesn’t write and makes their own songs. (Answer: False)
4. Seventeen is a K-pop boyband with 12 members. (Answer: False)
5. They are very excited to perform at Glastonbury. (Answer: True)
6. They won’t be the first K-pop group to perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. (Answer: False)
7. Seventeen worked very hard to become famous. (Answer: True)
8. K-pop is very popular around the world, but not as much in the UK. (Answer: True)
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