Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Alien Invasion” ESL Discussion Questions

I. The Concept of Alien Invasion

1. What comes to your mind when you hear “alien invasion”?
2. Do you believe aliens exist?
3. If aliens were to invade Earth, what do you think their reason would be?
4. How do you imagine aliens look like?
5. Do you think aliens have ever visited Earth before?

II. Preparing for an Alien Invasion

6. How would you prepare for an alien invasion?
7. What items would you include in an alien invasion survival kit?
8. Where do you think would be the safest place on Earth during an alien invasion?
9. Would you try to communicate with the aliens or hide from them?
10. What skills do you think would be most valuable during an alien invasion?

III. Impact on Society

11. How do you think an alien invasion would change our society?
12. Would humans unite to face the alien threat or would there be chaos?
13. What impact would an alien invasion have on our economy?
14. How would religions around the world react to an alien invasion?
15. Do you think new laws would be created in response to an alien invasion?

IV. Alien Technology and Advancements

16. What kind of technology do you think aliens would bring to Earth?
17. Would human technology stand a chance against alien technology?
18. How could alien technology change our daily lives?
19. Do you think humans would be able to reverse-engineer alien technology?
20. Would you be afraid of or excited about alien technology?

V. Communication and Interaction

21. How do you think we should communicate with aliens?
22. Do you think aliens would be able to understand our languages?
23. Would you volunteer to be an ambassador to the aliens?
24. What would you like to learn from aliens?
25. How do you think aliens communicate among themselves?

VI. Defense and Strategy

26. What would be the best strategy to defend Earth from an alien invasion?
27. Do you think the world’s militaries could work together against aliens?
28. How effective do you think our current weapons would be against aliens?
29. Should we try to make peace with the aliens or prepare for battle?
30. What role would you play in defending Earth?

VII. The Aftermath of an Invasion

31. What do you think Earth would look like after an alien invasion?
32. How would humanity rebuild after an invasion?
33. Do you think we would be able to live in peace with aliens after an invasion?
34. What lessons do you think humanity would learn from an alien invasion?
35. Would Earth become more technologically advanced after an invasion?

VIII. Alien Invasion in Popular Culture

36. Can you name a movie about alien invasion?
37. What is your favorite alien invasion story or movie and why?
38. How do movies and books influence our perception of aliens?
39. Do you think any movie has accurately depicted what an alien invasion would be like?
40. How do you think an alien invasion movie should end?

IX. The Psychology of Fear

41. Why do you think people are afraid of aliens?
42. How would you cope with the fear of an alien invasion?
43. Do you think the fear of aliens is rational or irrational?
44. How does the media contribute to the fear of alien invasions?
45. What can we do to reduce fear and promote understanding about aliens?

X. The Possibility of Coexistence

46. Do you think humans and aliens could ever live together peacefully?
47. What would be the biggest challenges in coexisting with aliens?
48. How would our cultures blend with alien cultures?
49. What changes would society have to make to accommodate aliens?
50. Would you be willing to learn an alien language?

XI. Government and Secret Projects

51. Do you think governments are hiding information about aliens?
52. What kind of secret projects do you think governments might have related to aliens?
53. Should governments disclose all their information about aliens to the public?
54. How would the revelation of aliens affect global politics?
55. What role do you think the United Nations should play in an alien invasion?

XII. Ethical Considerations

56. Is it ethical to use violence against aliens if they haven’t attacked us?
57. Should we consider aliens as equals or as threats?
58. How would we ensure the rights of aliens on Earth?
59. What ethical guidelines should be in place for interacting with aliens?
60. Should we try to save alien species from extinction, just like we try with animals on Earth?
