I. Basic Math Concepts
1. How many dimensions are there in geometry?
2. Do you know any math facts?
3. What is the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 10?
4. What is an integer?
5. What are fractions?
II. Operations and Calculations
6. What is the order of operations in mathematics?
7. What are prime numbers?
8. What is a negative number?
9. How do you write a number in scientific notation?
10. What is a number line and how do you use it?
III. Number Types
11. What are composite numbers?
12. Why are there so many different numbers in the world?
13. Are you good at math?
14. What is the difference between a decimal and a fraction?
15. How do you divide decimals?
IV. Practical Math
16. Why do we use decimals?
17. Can we ever have too many numbers in our lives?
18. How many angles does a polygon have?
19. What is a number?
20. What does it mean when someone says “The square root of 25 is 5”?
V. Shapes and Geometry
21. What is the difference between a triangle and a square?
22. Do you think it’s important to know how to do math?
23. Do you like math?
24. How can you add and subtract decimals?
25. How can you multiply and divide fractions?
VI. Math Experiences
26. Have you ever failed a math test?
27. What are the names of the dimensions in geometry?
28. How do you feel about math tests?
29. How do you write a decimal?
30. Can you name any numbers that are rational?
VII. Percentages and Ratios
31. What is a percentage?
32. What is the difference between an angle and a polygon?
33. What is the difference between 2D and 3D shapes?
34. Can you name any primes between 1 and 100?
35. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 20?
VIII. Advanced Concepts
36. What does it mean to divide by zero? Can you divide by zero in real life, or only on paper? Why or why not?
37. Can you name any numbers that are irrational?
38. How many odd numbers are there between 0 and 100?
39. What are decimals?
40. How do you convert a fraction to a decimal?
IX. Math in Daily Life
41. How do you use math in your daily life?
42. Can you think of a time when math helped you solve a problem?
43. What is the most difficult math problem you have solved?
44. How do you feel when you solve a math problem correctly?
45. Do you prefer working alone or with others on math problems?
X. Math Tools and Resources
46. What tools do you use to help with math?
47. Do you use any apps for math practice?
48. How often do you practice math outside of school?
49. What is your favorite math game?
50. Do you think math is fun? Why or why not?
XI. Future of Math
51. How do you think math will change in the future?
52. What new math skills do you want to learn?
53. How can math help you in your future career?
54. Do you think everyone should learn math? Why or why not?
55. What is the most interesting math topic you have learned?
XII. Math and Culture
56. How is math used in different cultures?
57. Can you name any famous mathematicians?
58. What role does math play in art?
59. How does math relate to music?
60. Why is math important in our everyday lives?