Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Travel Plans” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Preparing for Travel

1. What do you do first when you plan a trip?
2. How do you decide where to travel?
3. What kind of research do you do before traveling?
4. How early do you start planning your travel?
5. Do you use a checklist when you prepare for a trip?

II. Booking and Reservations

6. How do you book your travel tickets?
7. Do you prefer to stay in a hotel or a rental home?
8. What do you look for when you choose a place to stay?
9. How do you find good deals on flights or accommodations?
10. Do you plan your travel alone or use a travel agent?

III. Packing for Travel

11. How do you decide what to pack for a trip?
12. Do you have any tips for packing light?
13. What must-have items do you always travel with?
14. How do you keep your belongings safe while traveling?
15. What do you do if your luggage is too heavy?

IV. Itinerary Planning

16. How do you plan your activities when you travel?
17. Do you schedule every hour or prefer a flexible itinerary?
18. What are some things you avoid when making travel plans?
19. How do you balance seeing tourist sites with experiencing local culture?
20. Do you include rest days in your travel plans?

V. Dealing with Travel Issues

21. What do you do if you miss a flight or a train?
22. How do you handle language barriers?
23. What do you do if you get lost in a new place?
24. Have you ever had to change your travel plans last minute? How did you manage?
25. How do you deal with currency exchange and payment methods abroad?

VI. Cultural Considerations

26. How do you learn about local customs before you travel?
27. Why is it important to be respectful of local cultures when you travel?
28. Do you try to learn basic phrases in the local language?
29. What do you do if you accidentally offend someone in a different culture?
30. How do you plan to attend cultural events or festivals?

VII. Safety and Health

31. How do you stay safe when you travel?
32. What health precautions do you take before going to a new place?
33. Do you buy travel insurance?
34. How do you manage your medications when you travel?
35. What safety advice do you have for solo travelers?

VIII. Budgeting for Travel

36. How do you budget for a trip?
37. What are some ways to save money while planning travel?
38. How do you track your spending when you are on vacation?
39. Do you have any tips for traveling cheaply?
40. What unexpected costs do you plan for?

IX. Travel Companions

41. How do you choose who to travel with?
42. What do you do if you have different interests from your travel companions?
43. How can you ensure everyone has a good time?
44. What are the benefits of traveling alone versus with others?
45. How do you manage group expenses and budgets?

X. Memories and Reflection

46. How do you record your travel experiences?
47. What’s the best way to take photos while traveling?
48. Do you buy souvenirs? How do you choose them?
49. How do you reflect on your travels after you return home?
50. What have you learned from your travels?

XI. Post-Travel

51. What do you do with your travel photos and souvenirs when you get back?
52. How do you deal with post-travel blues?
53. Do you write reviews of places you’ve stayed or visited?
54. How do you maintain the friendships you form while traveling?
55. What steps do you take to reintegrate into daily life after a long trip?

XII. Dream Destinations

56. What is your dream travel destination and why?
57. How would you plan a trip to a very remote location?
58. What places are on your travel bucket list?
59. How do you prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime trip?
60. How would you plan a trip if money was no object?
