Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Rising Search Queries Show Women’s Climate Anxiety Increase

Search queries related to “climate anxiety” have increased 27 times in the first 10 months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2017, with women being more affected than men, according to data gathered by Google and shared exclusively with BBC 100 Women.

Wakhi Shepherdesses: A Vanishing Way of Life

Pakistan’s Wakhi shepherdesses, who have played a crucial role in their community by grazing their flocks in remote mountain pastures, are facing the extinction of their way of life.

Popular Level 3 Articles

Retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD), or "no burp syndrome," negatively impacts the quality of life of sufferers, causing embarrassment, anxiety, and depression, yet it is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed by doctors, highlighting the need for more awareness and research into the condition.

R-CPD: No Burp Syndrome Negatively Impacts Quality of Life

Retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD), or “no burp syndrome,” negatively impacts the quality of life of sufferers, causing embarrassment, anxiety, and depression, yet it is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed by doctors, highlighting the need for more awareness and research into the condition.
